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TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

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Need help uninstalling this.. When I go to disable it in User CP I get this error? How can I remove it? Also when I uninstall it. I get the same error...
Fatal error: Class 'XFCP_Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_Index' not found in/home/gmntmare/public_html/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/Index.phpon line76
Need help uninstalling this.. When I go to disable it in User CP I get this error? How can I remove it? Also when I uninstall it. I get the same error...
Fatal error: Class 'XFCP_Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_Index' not found in/home/gmntmare/public_html/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/Index.phpon line76
Stab in the dark here (excuse the pun). ;)
Did you delete the files before uninstalling?
If so, try upping the files again then do the uninstall.
Failing that: up the files, install, then uninstall.
Need help uninstalling this.. When I go to disable it in User CP I get this error? How can I remove it? Also when I uninstall it. I get the same error...
Fatal error: Class 'XFCP_Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_Index' not found in/home/gmntmare/public_html/community/library/Dark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/Index.phpon line76
Stab in the dark here (excuse the pun). ;)
Did you delete the files before uninstalling?
If so, try upping the files again then do the uninstall.
Failing that: up the files, install, then uninstall.
if you have it running on the xenporta page then remove the module from there first aswell
I just upgraded to xenForo 1.0.3 and it seemed to kill my taigachat navigation tab and sidebar widget :(. How do I get them back in 1.0.3? Reinstall taigachat? Modify the templates again? I didn't even need to revert my "outdated templates" as there were none listed.
I just upgraded to xenForo 1.0.3 and it seemed to kill my taigachat navigation tab and sidebar widget :(. How do I get them back in 1.0.3? Reinstall taigachat? Modify the templates again? I didn't even need to revert my "outdated templates" as there were none listed.
This is exactly the reason why I never install an add-on where I have to manually modify any templates.
guys this addon rocks only view bugs but still the best in xf thanx coder for sharing this with us
This is exactly the reason why I never install an add-on where I have to manually modify any templates.
This was my fault actually, the upgrade instructions called for uploading everything in the "upload" directory of the archive to my server. When I did that, my ftp app replaced the folders instead of simply adding the files in the folders. I had to copy back the taigachat files from my backup and everything started working properly again. I completely understand your reluctance though to deal with manually modifying templates.

First, I use and LOVE your Taiga Chat. I need to check out the Minorin one too. We're a writing intensive RPG.

Would love to know if you will ever add a notification sound (preferably one that can be turned on and off by the users) to TaigaChat? That's the only thing we're missing. I often get notes left and don't see them for an hour or more.

Thanks again...


First, I use and LOVE your Taiga Chat. I need to check out the Minorin one too. We're a writing intensive RPG.

Would love to know if you will ever add a notification sound (preferably one that can be turned on and off by the users) to TaigaChat? That's the only thing we're missing. I often get notes left and don't see them for an hour or more.

Thanks again...


Some sort of optional notification, be it a sound or changing title/favicon, is something I'm considering when I get round to the next release :)
Awesome and am so sorry for the misspelling on your "name". Trying to do too many things at once! The notification in some manner would be awesome because I often have my browser minimized while working.
I thought sound notification wouldn't work as the page no longer updates once it loses focus?

Will that mean the code will be rewritten to always update/refresh the page?
Quick question about the archive feature. I can't seem to get it work.

I've specified a thread ID and user, perhaps I'm getting the IDs wrong?

The thread ID I picked up from the last few digits of the thread and for the user I original tried 0 for guest, but that didn't work so I tried my ID.

Could it be because the thread I'm specifying is in a forum that only certain usergroups can see?
I thinks so, you the user that posts the archive (automaticaly) to be able to use that forum. and you need to set the maximum words to use for that user to 100000000000000000 as you will get error messages in you admin cp if not, and nothing will get postet.
Reporting another bug.
I experienced this last week but wanted to confirm before reporting it.

For no reason at all, previous chat messages started being displayed again, appearing one at a time as if they were being posted by other users.
This was despite being on the chat page and actively typing.

It happened for all users, not just me.
Pressing F5 cleared it.
I've still got members saying that they need to manually refresh (F5) when using Firefox to display the latest messages.
Getting both these complaints from members as well. I personally am not having issues. The worst of it has been the sb won't load show new shouts without me pressing f5. Only seems to happen when I go idle from the page for a while. Using Chrome.

I haven't seen many talk about this problem still and my members believe they found the issue. It seems to only happen when someone deletes a post. I have not tested this myself but they all go in a frantic and start yelling someone deleted a post. Seems someone pinpointed it at one time or another.

Do your members have the ability to delete their own posts Brogan?
They do, but I haven't specifically noticed any correlation between the two.

When users went in the frantic, a user was deleting his posts, I had also deleted one of his posts within seconds. He spammed the space bar to hide the chat. The shoutbox bugged about 5mins later for myself.
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