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TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

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if I wanted this to be a one line marque above forum list, can you point me to the parts i need to edit or template changes I would need to do? I'd really appreciate any pointers. thanks
When you click on user's name - it automatocally pops into message box, and when you click on avatar than only user info screen pops up.
When you click on user's name - it automatocally pops into message box, and when you click on avatar than only user info screen pops up.
that would be really easy search in template for
replace it with this /index.php?conversations/add&to=(username variable)
When you click on user's name - it automatocally pops into message box, and when you click on avatar than only user info screen pops up.

In dark_taigachat_list replace

<a {xen:if $message.user_id, 'href="{xen:link members, $message}" '}class="username" itemprop="name"><xen:if is="{$message.usernameHtml}">{xen:raw $message.usernameHtml}<xen:else />{xen:helper richUserName, $message}</xen:if></a>:


<a href="#" onclick='$("#taigachat_message").insertAroundCaret(" {$message.username} ", ""); return false;'><xen:if is="{$message.usernameHtml}">{xen:raw $message.usernameHtml}<xen:else />{xen:helper richUserName, $message}</xen:if></a>:
Installed. Great Addon
Would be nice to have an option to hide or show the bbcode, smilie etc. bar.
I have set in ACP all rights to "Allow" but where can i find the option to delete a Chatposting?
There seems to be a problem with the BB Color Code. The cursor is behind the = not the ]
Last ;) How can i get the Chatbox in xenPorta looking like in forum (if its on top)
The arrow on the left must be clicked to active the dropdown menu for edit and delete.

The cursor position is correct for the color tag - first you need to define the colour of the text before entering it.

For example: [color=green]this is green text[/color]
Hi Brogan. ya sure. sry my fault.
Ehm i dont have an arrow

grrrr... I had to activate the dropdown in Taigachat Options (Always show message tools dropdown). Maybe a better declaration would be good for nerds like me ;)
I have tried to add a clock icon and wanted to show the time, the shout was send, into a tooltip but.... i dont know how :confused:
I think i have to edit the dark_taigachat_list Template

This seems to be the part for the time
        <xen:if is="{$taigachat.rawtime}">
            <span class='DateTime muted'>{xen:datetime $message.date, 'absolute'} - </span>
        <xen:else />
            <span class='DateTime muted'><xen:datetime time="$message.date" /> - </span>

And i have started something like
        <xen:if is="{$taigachat.rawtime}">
            <span class='DateTime muted'>{xen:datetime $message.date, 'absolute'} - </span>
        <xen:else />
            <span class='DateTime muted' class="Tooltip" title="{xen:datetime time="$message.date}" /> - </span>
which is not working, i also dont know how to add an image for the tooltip.

At the End all should look similiar like this. Maybe anybody can help me. Thanks a lot
hello, i was wondering if there was an easy edit for the smiley drop down. My forum has over 200 smilies (yes thats a lot but with the type of forum members i have, a lot is better) and of course it causes my forum home to load slow b/c it trying to load all 200 smilies in the drop down, even if your not using it at the moment. Is there an easy code that it only shows a random 10 smilies and then a link to open a pop up window in your browser with the rest. Kinda like VB smilies in the editor. It shows 10-15 and you have to click more to see the rest in a pop up. Makes pages load much faster.
hello, i was wondering if there was an easy edit for the smiley drop down. My forum has over 200 smilies (yes thats a lot but with the type of forum members i have, a lot is better) and of course it causes my forum home to load slow b/c it trying to load all 200 smilies in the drop down, even if your not using it at the moment. Is there an easy code that it only shows a random 10 smilies and then a link to open a pop up window in your browser with the rest. Kinda like VB smilies in the editor. It shows 10-15 and you have to click more to see the rest in a pop up. Makes pages load much faster.

In the next update I'll sort it so the smilie images don't load until the toolbar folds down :)
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