[TAC] Stop Human Spam

[TAC] Stop Human Spam [Paid] 1.4.8

No permission to buy ($19.00)
This add-on doesn't stop Youtube links from being embedded which is annoying

Great and it even has the option to stop media links until a certain number of posts but it doesn't work
@tenants Would it be too hard to add a control to simply avoid some given domains without stopping the thread be created ? So I could put like "http://bit.ly" on list and if someone posted:

"Hey visit http://bit.ly/JKH32 and see my shop"

Replace to:
"Hey visit **LINK AVOIDED** and see my shop"

You can do that with the word censoring options built-in to XF - just add http://bit.ly to the replacement part and it will be rendered as ************* (y)
@tenants - just purchased this add-on as I'd not been aware of it previously (how I missed it I don't know :rolleyes:) - but is it compatible with XF 1.3 or does it need updating?

Just wanted to check before I install it.

Shaun :D
I'm going to run through all of the options on 1.3 today .. I'll let you know if it needs updating

@Clickfinity I though you had the pack (so would have got this with the pack anyway)
I'm going to run through all of the options on 1.3 today .. I'll let you know if it needs updating

@Clickfinity I though you had the pack (so would have got this with the pack anyway)

Thanks - and no, I only have FBHP so this will be a welcome addition (and hopefully somewhat of a relief to my mod team :D).
Instead of a string replacement (from the core), you want a regex replacement. Would this be for all users?

Exaclty ! Its like any URL from sites X,Y,Z is going to be avoided on forum. this would help avoid advertisements and link encurtators to unsafe sites..
@Daniel-SP Hmm, I'm not sure how needed this since you can block the content / moderate it (by adding "http://bit.ly/*" as a banned word via StopHumanSpam, or the core)

Replacing a string for a post that is pretty much just spam I don't think will be useful to many forum admins (Wouldn't the entire post need deleting anyway)
@Daniel-SP Hmm, I'm not sure how needed this since you can block the content / moderate it (by adding "http://bit.ly/*" as a banned word via StopHumanSpam, or the core)

Replacing a string for a post that is pretty much just spam I don't think will be useful to many forum admins (Wouldn't the entire post need deleting anyway)

An avoided link don't mean that I'm going to get a spam content. I could consider just a level of spam controlling with some esthetics (with the string replacement instead of some *** mixed with a path) .. An user can build up an awesome post and at the end post an avoided link( from an competitor, for example)..I have no reason to block the content since its great just because a simple URL.

I'm sorry if it gets off the scope of your addon. I just asked since you already deal with some URL regex control. I just considered the addition of an alternative of simply avoid the user to post a whole content because of a link.

It's a great piece of code anyway and I will purchase your pack as soon as I can ($).
It might make more sense to extend the existing censoring options to include regex (And thats probably where it should be done)

It's a shame you can't do something like this with censoring :
Since that would probably cover it
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It might make more sense to extend the existing censoring options to include regex (And thats probably where it should be done)

It's a shame you can't do something like this with cencoring:
Since that would probably cover it

It really is.. I'm going to need to request a custom addon for that.. lol
tenants updated StopHumanSpam - Anti Human Spam with a new update entry:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed logs, sometimes when a sneaky url was added to a thread title, the log reported the thread content (not the title), so it was hard to see where the spam detection came from
  • Fixed MEDIA option. If the options to "Allow External Images & Media" is un-ticked, these bbcodes should act as links (and if a user does not pass the Link Post Rules they should not be allowed to add media/ images)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Ohhh, whilst you're fixing - the message shows -1 for some settings instead of the 0 (zero) set in the options:

Rich (BB code):
Sorry, you were not able to save since the content contained a link<br/>
For this Forum, before you can create content with links, you must first meet the minimum requirements<br/>
Minimum Requirements<br/>
The number of posts you have created must exceed: 2 (Yours: 5)<br/>
The number of Likes you've received must exceed: -1 (Yours: 0)<br/>
The Like:Post Ratio must exceed:  -1% (Yours: 0%)<br/>
The number of days you have been registered must exceed: 1 (Yours: 0)<br/>

Ohhh, whilst you're fixing - the message shows -1 for some settings instead of the 0 (zero) set in the options:

Rich (BB code):
The number of Likes you've received must exceed: -1 (Yours: 0)<br/>
The Like:Post Ratio must exceed:  -1% (Yours: 0%)<br/>


By the way, if you are using 0, you can just delete those lines from the message
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