[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot

[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot [Paid] 3.0.32

No permission to buy ($29.00)
Just found this whilst looking for sf_foolbothoneypot_uuids table which, on CycleChat, has hit 4,683,174 records!!

I came looking for it because pretty much every query is now hitting the slow_query_log so I wondered what criteria I could use to clear this down a little?

Can I just truncate it and start afresh?

Shaun :D
You should be OK to truncate it, as the table is truncated when the add-on is updated.
yes, I need to run a cron to clear this up, truncating it is fine. Even if you clear that entire table, there will only be an issue if there is a user registering at that very same point
Speaking of the sf_foolbothoneypot_uuids table, I noticed it was absolutely killing our CPU doing a filesort due to both how large it got and also because you don't have the proper index on the table for what you're using it for. I added it in on my install, but you should really add an index on that table on (session_id, number) so that your WHERE session_id=blah ORDER BY number ASC actually can make use of the index and not be super slow or resource intensive.

EDIT: Another thing to consider is forcing the table to be MyISAM instead of InnoDB -- InnoDB has an issue where even after you delete rows, the disk space is not reclaimed resulting in an ever-growing table size regardless of how many times you truncate it (ex. if you have 6M rows in that table before you start a cron to truncate it such that it never gets above 20K rows, that disk space that the 6M occupied will never be released, only reused later on)
Sorry about that stop bot option that was screwing you over Mike... I don't even know how or when that got ticked, as I don't use that normally as it means little to me overall. Fixed now though...
Sorry if it's already been asked, but I can't see it in the description of the addon. Is there a manual?
There are so many options that it's quite overwhelming, and I'm the sort of person who needs to know what everything does so that I know 100% that I'm making the right choice for each and every setting.
For this and AnyAPI, what do all of the options do?
As an example, when XF 1.2 has Stop Forum Spam integrated, why is there a SFS element in this? Does it do anything different? Should it always be turned off in FBHP deference to the integrated SFS in XF?
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SFS was added to AnyApi before it was added to the core. It's there if you want to integrate it with foolbothoneypot, but unnecessary now (If you tick SFS in AnyApi, the logging information will be available in the FBHP logs)

FBHP is fairly easy to use... you don't need to tick or untick anything, the default set up works out of the box.
Is it a good idea not to use any of the APIs in AnyAPI to start off with and see how it goes?
With SFS in the core and FBHP making the login form impossible for bots to combat, that just leaves the manual stuff which your other addon will cater for, right?
Can I uninstall AnyAPI until then, or is it required even when no APIs are active?
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