[TAC] Discord Intergration [Paid] [Deleted]

So now i kicked the bot from my server, deleted the role, then re-installed the whole plugin and associated the bot again.
The bot however does not seem to join the server again. Can't find him in the userlist or in the roles.
And still only 5 roles in xenforo admin section i can link.

EDIT: had this setting below enabled, will try now without it

EDIT2: disabled the option and installed the plugin new. The Server ID is getting filled in and the discord bot authentication also seems to work.
However i still got only 5 roles to associate and the bot does not join the server or create a role.
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So now i kicked the bot from my server, deleted the role, then re-installed the whole plugin and associated the bot again.
The bot however does not seem to join the server again. Can't find him in the userlist or in the roles.
And still only 5 roles in xenforo admin section i can link.

EDIT: had this setting below enabled, will try now without it

EDIT2: disabled the option and installed the plugin new. The Server ID is getting filled in and the discord bot authentication also seems to work.
However i still got only 5 roles to associate and the bot does not join the server or create a role.

Will let the coder now.

Thanks for being patient everyone :)!
Will let the coder now.

Thanks for being patient everyone :)!
Thanks for looking into it.
Also tried making a new bot and re-installed it but same result.
Strange thing is that the old bots role was still to be associated in the admin section, so now i have 6 roles in there.
Tried the association for members but it will not reflect that in discord.
1st of all, if you follow the Directions 100% Works Perfect!! Love it!!!

REQUEST: on TaigaChat Pro, it announces forum posts when they are made and replied on. Is there any way I can get this add on to do the Same thing?

1. Posts New Forum Posts from Forums I select?
2. Reply's from same Posts
3. Maybe post Gallery uploads?
So...here's a question for anyone who might know...

One of the things you have to do to make this function is to create one of two "return URLs" for the Discord Bot that goes to admin.php on your xenforo installation.

However, the best security practices for Xenforo make it necessary to utilize .htaccess to prevent anyone from accessing that page by restricting access to certain IP addresses (i.e. I have mine restricted via .htaccess so that only I can access the admin.php via my home IP address, all others get a 403 error).

With that in mind, is there any way to actually use this add-on, AND restrict access to admin.php as recommended? If not, can this add-on be re-tooled to not require access to the admin.php in one of the return URLs?
As it stands, despite following all the instructions exactly, the system doesn't seem to be working 100%. Here is what I'm seeing on our xenforo installation:

1. If a person associates their forum account with their Discord account, and THEN joins the Discord server, the system does not assign them to the correct group.


2. If a person joins our Discord server, and THEN associates their forum account with their Discord account WHILE they are on the server, the bot instantly places them in the correct group on the Discord server.

It's almost as if there is a cron job or something that should be firing every minute or so to apply the correct permissions on the Discord server, yet the only way I can get the bot to respond is to associate an account while connected to the Discord server. Anything else, and the correct permissions do not get applied.
As it stands, despite following all the instructions exactly, the system doesn't seem to be working 100%. Here is what I'm seeing on our xenforo installation:

1. If a person associates their forum account with their Discord account, and THEN joins the Discord server, the system does not assign them to the correct group.


2. If a person joins our Discord server, and THEN associates their forum account with their Discord account WHILE they are on the server, the bot instantly places them in the correct group on the Discord server.

It's almost as if there is a cron job or something that should be firing every minute or so to apply the correct permissions on the Discord server, yet the only way I can get the bot to respond is to associate an account while connected to the Discord server. Anything else, and the correct permissions do not get applied.

As I haven't heard hide or hair of the author...

I just have my guys delete or unassosiate their account and redo it and it fixes it. It seems to only cron when their rank changes and the first time setting it up or syncing it
Is is this on support/development? Wondering about buy but the developer feels missing and really wouldn't want to risk install another <some time later>, unsupported addon.
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What disappointed you?

The purpose of the add on is to sync xebforo usergeoups with discord roles.
I dunno, it just seems far too complicated. It's okay, I've been meaning to write my own code for a discord bot and this addon gave me a lot of ideas for my own stuff.

I'm learning a lot!
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I dunno, it just seems far too complicated. It's okay, I've been meaning to write my own code for a discord bot and this addon gave me a lot of ideas for my own stuff.

I'm learning a lot!

Yeah - please let us know if you develop a better (Paid) alternative. As it stands, this is really only semi-functional, and requires the users to jump through too many hoops (and also can result in people remaining in groups they are no longer members of on the Discord server).

We need something that can:

1. Periodically re-check all connected Discord users to insure they are still in the correct groups and/or update their groups automatically (probably based on a cron that fires to Discord bot every few minutes, etc.)
2. Have more correct/verbose error messages (I've been bugged by far too many users who received the following error message:

You must have a verified email to authenticate via Discord. Please ensure you have this and try again.

Most believe that to be a problem on our end (PMing me complaining that they've already verified their forum email), when the error was that their account was not verified with Discord itself.

3. Better integration *(so we can tie group promotions and awards to associating their Discord account).

Let's face it (and I in no way mean this as an insult, just my opinion) - this is not a $25 add on....not with this level of limited functionality. For this to even work for your users, they have to first connect to the Discord server, and THEN (while still connected) go back and associate their forum account in order to be added to the right group/roles. In other words, if they are not currently logged onto your Discord server while at the same time associating their forum account, they will not receive the proper roles.

This is certainly a good start, and as a stop-gap measure until something better is developed (or this is improved), it is basically the only choice there is (that I know of)....but it probably deserved far more time in beta testing to allow for additional (necessary) features to be added, proper functionality to be included, and more verbose documentation to be included in the package.

In short - this feels like it was rushed out the door, and is not quite ready for prime time.

The author obviously has the coding chops to do it, so I hope it gets better down the road.
There seems to be a serious problem with this addon and it's developer right now.

Recently, we've been having some issues with the addon that mean we cannot perform simple tasks on the ACP, such as update user details or install/uninstall any addons. This has spiralled out of control, and keeps throwing up these errors:
Zend_Exception: No entry is registered for key 'tac_discord_ban_when_banned' - library/XenForo/Application.php:1010

What's even more concerning, is that the developer doesn't seem to be responding to conversations here and their website is now showing 404s. Our website is in a state of mess due to a stupid error that we can't even properly debug. :(
I dunno, it just seems far too complicated. It's okay, I've been meaning to write my own code for a discord bot and this addon gave me a lot of ideas for my own stuff.

I'm learning a lot!
Please let us know if it becomes available for purchase!
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