Resource icon

[SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

No permission to download
The rating images for the resource manager is part of the core, so I should be able to make use of them
Just to clarify: You're not saying we'll need the resource manager to use your add-on?

One of the issues I have, should the rating comments have a separated tab (like the resources), or should the posts (existing) be considered the comments of the ratings, and people are only allowed to leave a rating if they have 1st replied to the thread?
I vote for the latter. I want the reviews right there on the same tab (and visible as posts through Tapatalk). And I don't want to allow lazy people to give a rating score without even explaining why.
prompted ... I'll look into it. I haven't updated this plugin in a while

The rating images for the resource manager is part of the core, so I should be able to make use of them

One of the issues I have, should the rating comments have a separated tab (like the resources), or should the posts (existing) be considered the comments of the ratings, and people are only allowed to leave a rating if they have 1st replied to the thread?
i think doing the ratings/comments as it's done in resource manager is Perfect.
Oh wait, you mentioned tapatalk, the ratings would not be visible in tapatalk unless it was inside the discussion thread so yes, the ratings should be in the discussion thread and the post background should probably have a differenr color and they can rate only once but regular posts are fine as normal. This way it will show in tapatalk.
Tenants, a couple of wish list items for consideration on your todo list.
  1. The Link (containing businesses URL) should open in a new tab/windows in the browser, instead of having the user exit your site
  2. I'd like to see simple click tracking of the Link URL, and the directory entry to record and display the count of clicks.
  3. An option/function/task that will go through each directory entry and check if the link URL is still valid (eg, not giving a 404 etc.) and if not, hide/remove the entry and place into moderation queue for review and update or deletion
Also, is it my style or standard functionality, that the forum used is shown (#1 in attached screenshot) and the title is duplicated (#2 in attached screenshot). In either case, how can I remove both #1 and #2?

Thanks.View attachment 31914

Just a bump/reminder, since you're talking about updating the add-on for ratings :)
How do you change the title that displays in the search engine for this addon?

It seems to be different from the forum threads.
My titles are fine on the forum, I just want to take the forum title from the search engine listing.

Directory Title - Forum Name
Directory Listing - Forum Name

I just want the title to display in the search engine like this.

Directory Title
Directory Listing
Now I made the SUBMIT NEW LISTINGS tab disapear even though I'm the Admin and have all 7 permission to ALLOW. What's the problem here? I don't remember changing anything. I logged into my Admin account and can't seem to find the tab anymore.

Any fix to this?
The submit new listing button will only appear if you have the permissions and you are logged in, to submit a new listing:

Template (sfdirectory_sub_index):

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} && {$perms.canSubmitListing}" >
<div style="margin: 5px 0;text-align: right;">
<a class="callToAction" href="{xen:link full:directory}{$sub_directory.url}/create-listing">
<span>{xen:phrase submit_new_listing}</span>
PHP permissions:

$perms['canSubmitListing'] = (XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($viewingUser['permissions'], 'XenKingDir', 'canSubmitListing') ? true : false);

This suggest that you are either not logged in, or your user does not have permissions "canSubmitListing"


It's a very straight forward example of permisions, so have you edited the templates, or use any plugins that might interfere with the directory plugin?
Hi Tenants, I played around with your great addon some time ago but I didn't end up going with it as the site didn't go ahead.

However I have just downloaded the addon again and in the sfcreate_listing template you have:
<dd><img style="margin-left: 30px;" src="data/images/SelectLocation.jpg"> </dd>
I can't seem to find the SelectLocation.jpg in your download and there isn't a data/images folder that I can see

UPDATE...sorry Tenants, I did a search on SelectLocation.jpg but it didn't come up so I posted but have since found post #265 which explains it
Hi Tenants
After playing around with this addon again I think it is simply brilliant and perfect as a Business Directory should anyone need one, however there is so much wrong with it that either needs fixing or finishing and if that was done I am more than willing to pay $50 for it...TODAY.

If you are interested in knowing all the issues like Breadcrumb, Entry Counts, Formatting, Navigation etc then please let me know
For those that are interested, I am posting this to show what I did with this great addon over a year ago with v1.1.7.2.

My site is about aviation so I wanted an area to list the different aircraft and their manufacturers. I spent several days creating a way to use this addon to suit my needs however I used it for a week or so but then dropped it but it is very versatile so I post this in the hope that it may help any other users who want something like I did.

NOTE...I only used top level categories.

The main index page was created to enable featured entries to be manually displayed on it:

The page that is displayed when a user clicks on a category:

The listing page which was completely reworked to a better layout and fixing the stretching of its elements. It also moves the Logo to the top left of the listing and provides a feature to add an image. Both the image and the video can be opened up into bigger windows:

When the listing page is displayed on larger screens all the elements are proportioned appropriately:

When you click on the image in the listing (not the logo) it opens up into a larger window:

When you click the "Larger View" link under the video, the video opens up into a larger window:

There were also a lot of customisation done in the Create Entry and Edit Entry forms like a field to use as the image (not logo):

Apart from the above there was also some changes made to Phrases as well.

Attached in the zip file are the template changes that I can see the changes as I always place comments in the places that I change but as noted they are for an old version so you will need to adapt the changes into any recent versions.

I hope that this helps others to see what can be done with this addon and I hope Tenants finishes it as I believe it is a great inclusion on any site in many different ways


Hi Tenants
After playing around with this addon again I think it is simply brilliant and perfect as a Business Directory should anyone need one, however there is so much wrong with it that either needs fixing or finishing and if that was done I am more than willing to pay $50 for it...TODAY.

If you are interested in knowing all the issues like Breadcrumb, Entry Counts, Formatting, Navigation etc then please let me know

There are lots of things wrong with it.. it was the very 1st large add-on I created
I am going to revisit this and tidy it up, I'll also build a 2nd versions from ground up, doing things correctly, with less core duplication (some people have asked for 2 installs)

Send me the issues... there so many things I know that I need to tidy up

I did intend to sort out :
  • bread crumb navigation
  • template url formatting ( this <xen:link directory/create-listing $directory> instead of this {xen:link full:directory}{$sub_directory.url}/create-listing"> (This makes me cringe now)
  • session activity (this is something I need to add)
Send me a the list of things you've noticed are wrong with it, and I'll see if I can tidy it up

... I know I still need to add ratings
I've been working on my own site (which has ratings for another area), but from this Tuesday-Thursday I will work on the directory, so if you want anything done, it's a good time to send me the information now

I like what you've done with the customisations
The listing page which was completely reworked to a better layout and fixing the stretching of its elements. It also moves the Logo to the top left of the listing and provides a feature to add an image. Both the image and the video can be opened up into bigger windows

This would be useful for everyone, so I'll have a look at what you've done there. The elements need to be stretchable, and proportional for fixed width forums and variable width forums.. it also needs to look good when
1) There is no map
2) There are no video /images
3) There is just 1 video (but no map / image)
4) There is just the information block and nothing else

It's very flexible to turn things on/off... which also means there are constraints on how it can satisfy all variations of use
Thanks Tenants

These are the issues I have found so far with just a local install and a play.

Like I would assume many others would have, I have a 3 level category structure just like you would have in the forums with Category -> Forum -> sub Forum. The index page is:
I have removed the "Account" styled categories left column as it is pointless as it is only showing top level categories plus the index page is showing the categories and sub categories anyway

The sub category of Clubs and Schools I have has sub sub categories for each State of Australia like Qld, NSW, Vic etc. I have created a test entry in Vic (see side block) however the Australia top level category counter and the Clubs and Schools sub category counter still shows "0" entries. I have tried to rebuild counts but no change besides one shouldn't have to as this should be automatic.

Also I noticed a small thing and that is the code in the templates is all over the place...small thing but they could be cleaned up to look more professional with proper tabbing, less carriage returns and zero tabbed separating lines

Next shows from my install the sub category page of Clubs and Schools:
4 things here...firstly many site owners have a forum background set different to the default white. The sub category title is in a different block to the sub categories underneath it...these should all be contained within the same block to make it look better irrespective of what style they may be using.

Secondly, when you click a sub category, it would be better if all the entries for that sub category and all sub sub category entries of it, be displayed to the user not just the entries in the selected sub category leaving out all the entries in the lower levels. If you run a structure like:
Category (Australia)
-- sub category (Clubs and Schools)
---- sub sub category (State of Queensland)
---- sub sub category (State of New South Wales etc)
it is more than likely that all the entries would be in the sub sub categories (i.e. the different states of Australia) than to have entries in the higher level categories (i.e. category and sub category) would allow the user to see everything with the ability to drill down (to the sub sub categories) if they wish to

Thirdly, the breadcrumb is not showing the higher level category. In my example we are in "Directory -> Australia -> Clubs and Schools"...Australia is left off the breadcrumb

Lastly, in keeping with the XF standard, the "Submit New Listing" button should be on the right of the breadcrumb...this is the way that XF does it so I would think that it should be done the same way

This 3rd screen shot displays the 3rd level sub sub category for in my case the State of Victoria (Australia -> Clubs and Schools -> Victoria):
Again 2 things...the "Submit New Listing" button and the breadcrumb which is now leaving off both "Australia" and "Clubs and Schools"

This 4th screen shot of the actual listing page:
Again we have the breadcrumb issue however the category that the entry is in is there but the 2 categories inbetween are not.

The main thing with the listing page is that as I have shown in my post #312, this page can be extensively customised by the user to reflect what they need to show and how they want it shown so little to say here other than the issues of stretching, placement and layout that others have highlighted but I say again, these can be overcome by customising this page. The issues I have highlighted above are "core" issues and I think they should be fixed before other bells and whistles are added like a rating system etc.

The next thing is the large view of the Google Map page...there is no way for the user to go back to the listing other than by clicking the "Directory" tab on the main site menu and commence down through the different category levels to get back to the listing (or they have to use the "Back" button on their browser).

Also when viewing the listing page the sub menu items on the main site menu bar (i.e. the 2nd level) disappear

One final thing is the Account styled navigation column. Only you know what your strategic vision is for the addon and this block may well serve a purpose in the future, for example if it was the only navigation block on the index page because the page show "Featured" entries in the middle block. But, with it currently only showing the top level categories, it is of very minimal use. It needs to show all category levels above the current level and perhaps 1 level below. The breadcrumb should let you go up in levels, the Account style navigation block should let you also go up in levels but also sideways as well as a quicker means than the breadcrumb.

I am sorry if I seem a little pedantic but just trying to help by giving my thoughts
Since this is being remodeled, I'll throw in the request for it to be made into a simple nationwide (or other wide) dealer or distributor list, which is sortable by zip or similar codes (as default) and/or able to find the closest X number of dealers to a typed in zip code.....or map point (same thing, really).

Ian, I love what you have doen with this. I tried the standard but your version is alot cleaner. I hope the author takes alot of your suggestions onboard.

Guys, I don't have time to do all of these things for free...

I'll see what I can do over then next few days, but after that I'm back on personal plugins
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