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[SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

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Paused, I'm currently putting all my effort in XenZine Articles
Gotcha, I was just going to suggest adding a rating system option to the directory. For example my directory is just Bars in various cities, so users would be able to rank their favorites and those ones would be listed higher than ones with lower ratings. Just a thought but I know you are busy.
@tenants the directory pages are not including the opengraph meta property within. Eg .....
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="Netrider - connecting riders!" />
       <meta property="og:image" content="" />
    <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
    <meta property="og:url" content="" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to Netrider" />
    <meta property="fb:app_id" content="149725691312" />
    <meta property="fb:admins" content="645177999" />

... which I presume comes from an including the open_graph_meta template when publishing directory pages.
Could this be corrected and included in the next release please?
XF v1.3

I have a problem where all users, admin included, are getting denied when trying to submit new listings.

I've used /admin.php?permissions/analyze to ensure that 'Can Submit Listing' for permissions on the sampled users is correct. Even used /admin.php?permissions/test to open the site as a test users that has permissions to double check and also get denied. Click the 'Submit New Listing' button, complete the form, click 'Add Listing' and then receive:

Screen Shot 2014-03-12 at 11.49.52 pm.webp

Checked the ACP Server Error Log, but nothing listed.
Is there a XenKingDir log or something I can review for insight?

Is it only a particular directory or all directories?
- There are no separate logs of xenkingdir

I've just tried on a local 1.3 install, and I can submit a listing

Did this work before / was this a fresh install, or did it just break when upgrading (or adding new add-ons)?
All directories. After checking, it has been several months since a new directory entry was submitted/added/claimed so I believe it is not related to XF 1.3 upgrade.
Yes, it was working previously.
Gotcha, I was just going to suggest adding a rating system option to the directory. For example my directory is just Bars in various cities, so users would be able to rank their favorites and those ones would be listed higher than ones with lower ratings. Just a thought but I know you are busy.

Indeed. I want to suggest an option for websites/webshops. With the normal directory a really nice google map location is displayed, but maybe the option when adding a website/webshop a screenshot of that site can be added instead of the googlemap? And if there would be a rating system included, it would be nice if it's done the same way as with the resources to have the option only to rate with a reason included.
Hello, it seems to me that the claimable function works not very well, I was trying to change an owner of the listing and had no luck, as a supermoderator or administrator I don't see any notices :( Please, could anyone check this function on the xenforo version 1.3.1 ?
In the mysql table "xf_moderation_queue" I see "listingclaim" so I should see the notice on the frontend to moderate the listing, but I don't. I see the information in the mysql table "sf_xenkingdir_listingclaim also" that there is a moderation event.


sorry, All is working, it's my fault
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Is there any way to get rid of the third column? I don't need the spots for the logo and youtube. I'd like to keep the claimable button though, but just move it over under the map, and just have the third column go away. Thanks!
Is there any way to get rid of the third column? I don't need the spots for the logo and youtube. I'd like to keep the claimable button though, but just move it over under the map, and just have the third column go away. Thanks!

It would have to be a template edit, look at the following template:
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