[Suggestion] 'This member limits who may view their full profile': needs better 'social stimulation'


Well-known member
I was inspired by Dutchbb overhere. When you go to an User's Profile that has been blocked from viewing, you are presented with this:

profile not visible.webp

This user (http://xenforo.com/community/members/eqnoble.1321/) has blocked his profile from viewing by others. What XF tells us is: 'This member limits who may view their full profile'. Yes, thank you, but what can we do to see it then?

The enduser of XF only sees this message and being new to XF as a brand new (and soon to be marketleader) platform, people don't know how to be able to get access to this profile.

What XF 'should' do IMHO is presenting the enduser with additional guidance saying something like: 'Become a member (link to registration page) of ThisForumName to get access to this users (or ThisUsersName) profile'. Or... 'Follow (link to follow function) ThisUsersName to get access to their profile'. Edit... Or... 'ThisUsersName is not following you and therefor you have no access to their profile'.

Something like that is needed, because the message now is too bland and not inviting in any way to generate interest/social activity.

Brilliant, another great suggestion, isn't it? ;)
Upvote 9
I'm all for privacy preferences, however I still feel STRONGLY a private member page should contain more than a 404 page. Why hide the avatar, or post count, "find posts" when all that content can be found via member card and search feature? Seems silly to make one go through the effort if you ask me.
I'm fully agree with your opinion.
Furthermore, we won't get those webmastertools "denied access" errors.
Any update on this @Mike?
I like your suggestion.

I would have thought, given it is pretty unusual for Guests to view profiles, and I wouldn't want people registering JUST to view someone's profile.
Imagine: you look for something on the internet and then you find this extremely interesting posting and would like to know more about the person who wrote it or want to find out if this person has written more posts like this. I think it`s rather obvious to click on the member name next to the posting then. This click will oben the member card which features the number of postings and this number is actually linked to a search to this members postings - but few will recognize this as the link is not recognizable as such (not blue, not underlined). The profile link above it on the member card isn`t underlined, too - but at least it`s blue so I`d rather find this one and voila you have a potential member facing a confusing error page.

As to mutuality: I`m using the Waindigo friend add-on but I think mutual friendships should be added as a core feature and taken into account everywhere. Example: other add-ons like XMG don`t take Waindigo friends into account as it`s just an add-on. so this should go core.
The error message is really just a temporary approach to it.

That's good to hear. I can't wait to see what you come up with for this.

As to mutuality: I`m using the Waindigo friend add-on but I think mutual friendships should be added as a core feature and taken into account everywhere. Example: other add-ons like XMG don`t take Waindigo friends into account as it`s just an add-on. so this should go core.

Great points! Please like these suggestions
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