Lack of interest [Suggestion] Support for smaller avatars

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Well-known member
Right now it just looks ugly when smaller avatars are artificially scaled up to fit the avatar box. I would suggest instead scaling down the box to fit the avatar, like this:


Personally I think this looks better than an avatar that's scaled up to fit. Agree or disagree?
Upvote 4
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Another idea is to check for a minimum width and height, and do not scale it if it is below those. Keep the avatar box the same size though for consistency.
Consistency is definitely a good thing, and now that I think about it I do get annoyed when members at my own forums use various sizes for their avatars. Yet I was mildly annoyed to have to re-create my avatar for XF so it would look good, though it wasn't a huge deal simply because I have the skills to do that. Most forumites don't, so I can see big potential for user complaints. :rolleyes:
I don't know the file size requirements, or the actual pixel size requirements either. So, I can't make an icon that'll fit properly. Could you please make sure that those are stated when uploading the avatars so we know what is the maximum file and pixel size?
I don't know the file size requirements, or the actual pixel size requirements either. So, I can't make an icon that'll fit properly. Could you please make sure that those are stated when uploading the avatars so we know what is the maximum file and pixel size?

Like this? ....


  • avatar_upload.webp
    35.9 KB · Views: 12
The smaller image next to each post is 95px wide 95px high... but the larger version on the profiles is 200x200...
Yes, images can be scaled down and still look good. But Erik is talking about smaller avatars (i.e., 80x80) that will be scaled up, which looks ugly.
I agree that rezzed up images look bad, but on the other hand, I love the uniformity of having all the same size avatars.
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