Lack of interest [Suggestion] Sidebar Toggle Feature.

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At least till I release a theme first :p might share the jQuery after that.

Looking good :)
That is where I originally placed the toggle image too.
Still deciding for the perfect location myself
I'm not sooo happy with the position, i would prefer like vBulletin is doing it, but i have no clue of css, so it's a impossible for me^^
Try playing with position:absolute VS position:relative you might be able to move it in different places....
without knowing the template that you are using or the css i'm just guessing
At least till I release a theme first :p might share the jQuery after that.

Looking good :)
That is where I originally placed the toggle image too.
Still deciding for the perfect location myself

Nice to here. :) but I would still like to see a toggle option/feature in the core product. I think it's a standard feature to have and would like to see it added without having to resort to an add-on.

It's one of the few features I feel that is best suited being a core feature.
Any news regarding this whether or not this is a candidate for making it into the core. I see a toggle option as a fundamental feature to have for those that wish to temp minimise it. I can't fully understand why the sidebar area wouldn't have this option as some us would really like this ability.
It's not because vbulletin or ipb have it I see it as a small feature (coding wise) that gives the opportunity of the user to temporary minimise. I personally don't need to see the stats sideblock and the opportunity to free up more space seems a logical step to take. It's not harming anyone having the feature but giving them the option minimise/maximise. It's a useful feature to have and a practical one at that.
I can honestly say I have never had cause to use a sidebar collapsing control on a forum other than to observe the animation effect.

It's not even about the visuals. For example fixed width styles would benefit hugely from the toggle feature freeing up space. I can't see what the problem is from looking at it on a practicality perspective.
I can honestly say I have never had cause to use a sidebar collapsing control on a forum other than to observe the animation effect.
How about the ability to collapse content blocks (nodes, sidebar blocks etc)?

There are several categories I rarely pay attention to, and being able to collapse them would be helpful, and I don't pay much attention to certain blocks on the sidebar on other sites.

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