Lack of interest [Suggestion] Remove News Feed posts from What's New

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First off, let me state that I absolutely adore the feature for News Feeds in XF. I currently use them to pull in news from several different websites around the web for my members to look through and comment on. I almost picture it being our own private comment box, instead of dealing the the trolls and other unsavory people on the Internet.

I have a few users that adore the What's New? area. They use it to keep up on things that are posted during the day, but when it's a fairly active day on the websites I pull news from, the news posts take up a majority of the feed.

I'd like there to be a way to exclude News Feeds from the What's New list, OR the ability to exclude a specific user or usergroup from the What's New list. I have all my News Feed posts come in through one user account that I created especially for the job.
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Agree. When we hook up to an active feed and have several feeds set up, it will dominate the What's new.
An option will be good
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