free developer licences ?

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Im just saying, its marketing 101. Version 1 isnt going to be the 2nd coming of Christ anyways. lol Might as well use it as the carrot.

I'm not sure where that's marketing 101, but it isn't always appropriate for everything.

When IPB did this (v1 was free, v2 was not), there was a HUGE backlash over it. Changing from free to paid is dumping one target audience for another, so you're still starting at square one. The difference is that you're creating negative publicity for yourself doing it that way.
To the person willing to donate $50- I know you think you'd be doing a nice thing but you're exactly the problem with this... you'd donate $50 and think you made a fair donation but if this was commercial software they'd easily charge 3 or 4 times that amount... plus not everyone will donate anyway. Just to support this project will be a huge undertaking requiring time and money so free just isn't a serious option.
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