Lack of interest [suggestion] Filter forum by 'unread' in addition to title/start date/replies/views/last message

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in memoriam
If there could be 1 more option to sort the forums by - "unread" - I really think that would help with navigation and to encourage more activity.

For instance I have read most of the threads in the "XenForo Discussions & Questions" forum, but there are still several threads unread scattered through 24 pages of threads. At this time the only way to see those unread threads would be to navigate each page looking for unread threads.

It only needs to show the unread sorted by last post, no need to make things complicated. I don't think vb or ipb has this feature.

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Actually... since I started this thread and more discussions ensued, there may be a far better approach.

A "Whats New" button in a specific forum, which would include subforums under it.
In a forum about food:
-fruit <---- a Whats new in this forum would show all things in the fruit forum and in the subforums underneath.


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