[Suggestion] Custom Display Name


If this feature has or ready been suggested, I'm sorry. I could not locate this in my profile.

Similar to how SMF does it. Login with your username (what you register with) however, everywhere your name is displayed, it displays your display name.

An example is, I register at community's with the username Acans (because its never taken), however if I have the option, I change my display name to ѕησω.

Why I do this? Personal preference.
Upvote 28
I'd love to be able to do this, because I never ever manage to choose a username that I don't hate three days later,* but how do you keep people from abusing it? Like, displaying someone else's name or posing as someone etc.?

*I have actually abandoned boards that wouldn't let me change my username or re-register, because I hated the stupid name I registered with.
I don't change my username or display name that much at all, however most forum's don't allow registration of α¢αηѕ or ѕησω.

By keeping my username Acans i never forget it or confuse it with other sites. However am able to change my display name to suit my needs.
I'd love to be able to do this, because I never ever manage to choose a username that I don't hate three days later,* but how do you keep people from abusing it? Like, displaying someone else's name or posing as someone etc.?

*I have actually abandoned boards that wouldn't let me change my username or re-register, because I hated the stupid name I registered with.
If you like the idea, please like the post. :)
Obviously any such feature would prevent people from using display names that are already occupied.
You could even include a setting that protects no longer used names for X days/months/years.
I'd love to be able to do this, because I never ever manage to choose a username that I don't hate three days later,* but how do you keep people from abusing it? Like, displaying someone else's name or posing as someone etc.?

*I have actually abandoned boards that wouldn't let me change my username or re-register, because I hated the stupid name I registered with.
When using a display name, the name cannot be taken by any other member, otherwise given an error.
It should also have a display name history in the system, where it does not allow members to change their names to something that was already taken within X amount of time, should this be implemented. Maybe a limitation of 1 year, as vBulletin did with normal usernames.
Don't turn the "like" system into some obligatory chore. :)
I'm not. (Not that I could even if I wanted to.)
The point is that the devs look at the like-count of suggestions to gauge their popularity.
And a lot of the time people reply saying "yeah I like that" or "+1" and forget to click the Like button. Just trying to be helpful.
I'm not. (Not that I could even if I wanted to.)
The point is that the devs look at the like-count of suggestions to gauge their popularity.
And a lot of the time people reply saying "yeah I like that" or "+1" and forget to click the Like button. Just trying to be helpful.

If the devs just go by a show of hands and don't read the discussions about the pros and cons, then people should post their suggestions as a poll. Then I'll know there's no point in asking questions or considering the angles. :)
If the devs just go by a show of hands and don't read the discussions about the pros and cons, then people should post their suggestions as a poll. Then I'll know there's no point in asking questions or considering the angles. :)
I'm sure they read the controversy within the topics, so that they can get an idea of what customers want. I do believe they mentioned this somewhere...
The only company I know of that listens to customer feedback, well, as far as forum software goes, and quite often.
If the devs just go by a show of hands and don't read the discussions about the pros and cons, then people should post their suggestions as a poll. Then I'll know there's no point in asking questions or considering the angles. :)
It has been stated by staff that the likes-count helps the devs determine the popularity of suggestions. That's all. If you're not all for it, then you're not. I merely asked you to click the "Like" if you are all for the suggestion. Not like I'm trying to order you around or something.
And yes, of course the devs read the threads, I never said they didn't. I just said that clicking the Like button when you agree with a suggestion makes their job easier. Obviously you don't consider that to apply to you since you voiced concern, which is fine. By the way, I highly doubt they would implement such a feature without considering the point you raised.
the "Display Name" and "Username" were introduced at another software named BuddyPress.
This resulted in total confusion and webmasters asked of how to get rid of the Display-Name.

Either you run with Display-Name or Username, but having 2 different names for 1 user becomes a mess.
How many names do you have in real life ?
It was also introduced in IP.Board and is still being used today AFAIK. ;)

I won't be using the feature on any of my boards, but I can see the point of people wanting it.
While I agree this can be a nice feature, I think it would only make sense to include it with the option to disable it. There are many pros and cons to having it, I myself would tend to agree, with the type of boards I run, that it is not necessary and can be more of a headache than a benefit.
I hate having both a log in name and a display name, it can get really confusing having 2 different names to deal with.

I'd be fine with a way to make it easier for members to request a log in name change, but I'd never enable display names because they just make things way too confusing.
the "Display Name" and "Username" were introduced at another software named BuddyPress.
This resulted in total confusion and webmasters asked of how to get rid of the Display-Name.

Either you run with Display-Name or Username, but having 2 different names for 1 user becomes a mess.
How many names do you have in real life ?

I totally agree and would never implement something like this. All you have to do is contact the Admin and request to change your name, I do it for my site.
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