Lack of interest Suggestion: Conversation access on mobile view

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Allan Hsu

I found that to find PM (conversations) on mobile view of Xenforo, it takes quite a number of steps to get there.

It would be much better / easier to use if we can reach "Conversation" by one click in mobile view.
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I guess I'd expand further and ask what exactly would you like to see?

Currently in some mobile resolutions(very small) inbox/alerts is hidden, however you can click your username and click Conversations(2 clicks total).
Agree with Russ; only on the very narrowest of views does it take two clicks.

Which menu item would you propose dropping to make the Inbox available on the menu bar?
The user name?
I think "Conversation" is a core function of a forum.
To a new user who never uses xenforo before, it is not intuitive to find PM/Conversation link after clicking on "username"

I don't propose to drop anything to add Conversation button. For example, on my iPhone5, I think a button next to "Forums" will be good place to insert Conversation link
The Forums link is part of the public tabs.
Conversations are part of the visitor tabs.

The Inbox is dropped at the narrowest view as there simply isn't room for it.
I am at work now so I am unable to attach a screenshot. However, I mean putting "Conversation" next to "Forums" where "Forums" is the link above "Watched threads" , "New Posts" , "..."

Sorry if this is not a very clear explaination. If you like me to explain futher, I can attach a screenshot after I get home
I know what you mean but as I explained above, the links on the left are the public tabs, the ones on the right are the visitor tabs.
They are in separate <ul>'s.
ok, fair enough.
I am just saying that as a first time user of Xenforo, I was having trouble finding how to access Xenforo private messages on my iPhone. I suspect other new users might have the same trouble.

Would be nice if there is a way to make "Conversation" more obvious.
Another option you could do... @Sheldon did a resource on using font-awesome icons on the user bar, the space is much smaller allowing you to show all 3 icons(I think it would show all 3 in responsive)
EXTRA.css, phrases which support HTML and automatic template merging means you shouldn't have to worry about customising your installation.
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