Lack of interest [Suggestion] Add Titles to Internal/External Links

This suggestion has been closed automatically because it did not receive enough votes over an extended period of time. If you wish to see this, please search for an open suggestion and, if you don't find any, post a new one.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
But that only shows support for the suggestion.

What about all those who don't want a feature but don't feel inclined to post about it?

As a matter of principal, I don't think that a number of people "disliking" a feature is ever a good reason to not implement something (assuming sufficient people do like it - otherwise there'd be no point at all!) ... all it indicates is that the feature should be OPTIONAL, ie you can turn it on or off via the admin area.
As a matter of principal, I don't think that a number of people "disliking" a feature is ever a good reason to not implement something (assuming sufficient people do like it - otherwise there'd be no point at all!) ... all it indicates is that the feature should be OPTIONAL, ie you can turn it on or off via the admin area.

Does this feature now exists or still not?
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