XF 1.5 Strange problem with posting one particular word...

Wildcat Media

Well-known member
There is a very strange issue on a forum I am working with right now. If we try to post the word "Northwinds" in a post body, as a thread title, or as a member's name (which it is) to start a private conversation, we are getting this error:


Weirdest thing I've ever seen! I'm helping them prep for an upgrade to 2.1 very soon.

I'm guessing it is related to an add-on. We're having issues with other words, but they are likely tied into JavaScript that is powering some of the advertising on the site. I can't see JavaScript causing an error such as this one, though.

I'm going to suggest disabling some add-ons to see if one of them is the cause. Until then, has anyone ever seen anything this strange before?
A 403 forbidden error is a web server error.

Typically caused by some sort of server side security mechanism such as mod_sec.

Whitelisting the offending rule or disabling will resolve it.
I don't have control over that myself, but can look into it. I made another post in the same thread without the word and also got the error. But after thousands of other posts in that forum, none of us have ever had the error. Unless we use that word!

I'll ask the server wizard what might be cooking. Thanks for verifying it's a 403 error, @Brogan.
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