Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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Yes I have cURL. If I look at games in admin pages is says how many hours that game has been played. But on the public link it only shows 1 user with 46 hours and 1 with 0. The two users have thousands of hours in the admin page. Seems the info is available it's just not being made available to the public page.

Also, this app puts a steam link on ever page?
Yes I have cURL. If I look at games in admin pages is says how many hours that game has been played. But on the public link it only shows 1 user with 46 hours and 1 with 0. The two users have thousands of hours in the admin page. Seems the info is available it's just not being made available to the public page.

Also, this app puts a steam link on ever page?

That's really odd. The public pages use the same functions as the admin pages in <= 1.2.3. You should be getting the exact same result in both private and public. :confused:

Do you have an example of this I can see? I'd like to help you get this functional to the best of my ability.

As for the link, unfortunately it's a requirement of the API. If your page uses requests, you need to link back to them.

Valve Brand and Links
Each page that uses the Steam Web API must contain a link to with the text "Powered by Steam". We suggest that you put this link in your footer so it is out of the way but still visible to interested users.
So it only needs to be on the actual pages that use the api.

Technically, the cron is pulling API information in the background for stats, so the site is powered by steam. I've had issues getting the right logic to only show the footer where it is truly needed (on stats pages, login/register, and whenever steamprofiles exist). Nothing I researched or tried worked. I'm always looking for a better solution, but currently I haven't found one.

I wasn't entirely sure on the terms of that as well. Because the forum crons are pulling the most API data, I found it important that it just be included on the footer on the forums in general. I'd rather cover everything than risk you guys losing your API access.

I'm also a bit hesitant to make a change at this juncture in regards to template hooks, as 1.2 is going to do away with them.

However, if I come across something that works, I'll be sure to get it in there so that it only displays on pages that use the steam data.
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I installed your add-on today and it's having an issue loading the card that shows up under a user's avatar. I haven't been able to find a log that indicates any issue. I suspect the json call is failing. Below is what I see:


And when I take a peak on what firebug sees (sorry apparently it grabbed a mouse over effect, but doesn't obscure anything important):


Any help is much appreciated.

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: steamids - /home2/harpoong/public_html/js/steam/jsonproxy.php:81
Generated By: Unknown Account, May 3, 2013
Stack Trace
#0 /home2/harpoong/public_html/js/steam/jsonproxy.php(81): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home2/harpoong...', 81, Array)
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(47) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Having issues with this error currently.
I installed your add-on today and it's having an issue loading the card that shows up under a user's avatar. I haven't been able to find a log that indicates any issue. I suspect the json call is failing. Below is what I see:


And when I take a peak on what firebug sees (sorry apparently it grabbed a mouse over effect, but doesn't obscure anything important):


Any help is much appreciated.



Logs are located in: Admin Control Panel -> Tools -> Server Error Log (please check that for errors if you could)

Couple of questions

1) Make sure you've uploaded all files
2) Are you using cURL?
3) Are you using any sort of js compression on your site? Like through cloudflare or otherwise?

Having issues with this error currently.

EDIT: Also there may be a few more index errors cropping up in this latest build (nothing that'll break anything). Chris brought it to my attention. I'll be rolling in his changes and double checking that no other values were missed.

I'll try to get these changes rolled in soon.
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My "Server Error Log" in the admin control panel didn't have anything.

I sent you info to answer your other questions in a conversation. Summary is yes I have cURL enabled and I'm not aware of any js compression enabled.
I don't know if this would have much to do with it, but all the timestamps on my forum are off. They're all 6 hours fast... I'm not sure why. My server's time is correct. And tweaking "Guests' Time Zone" in the Admin CP doesn't seem to affect things. I'm not sure if maybe it throws off the API call....?

Edit: The call it's making that I think is failing is (my domain is replace, you have it in our conversation though):,76561197971326653,76561197983402232
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I've been working with Jon on some matters via PM because he wises to keep certain information private. Once we determine the cause, we'll post it here for reference.

As for the next addon update and as to why it's taking me so long to push out a small fix by Chris. I'm upping it up a notch, Here's a teaser from my forums:

Working in-game banners. :cool:
You last suggestion in our discussion seems to be the problem. I disabled cURL usage just in your code by finding the 3 if() statements in your code where you check to see if curl is available (2 in library/Steam/Helper/Steam.php and one in js/steam/jsonproxy.php) and just added "&& false" to the if statement. It works now. I guess it's still a mystery as to why this isn't working...

Maybe for now you could put an easy spot somewhere in your code to just override using cURL in case this comes up for someone else.

Also, I notice that when a page makes the request for the users info, it request one ID per instance of the steam badge. So on, say, a thread where a the same user has posted twice or more, you actually request the same user's info the same number of times.
Note below that steamid 76561197983402232 is listed twice:
You might be able to speed up the requests by only requesting each user once.

Thanks for your help!!! My users really like the addon. If you want to work with me more to figure out the actual problem, I'm willing.
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Sounds like a mis-configuration on your box somewhere. If it were a problem with the code I'd implement that solution. Unfortunately, because it's local to you, I'd like to avoid extra checks in the code for that. I don't want to sound like I'm hanging you out to dry, but so far it looks to be external to the add-on. If it turns out down the road that it's a bug on my side, I'll definitely patch it up.

The other thing you could do is comment out "" in your php.ini until the problem is found. Chances are, if cURL isn't working for this add-on, it may not function correctly elsewhere.

EDIT: Also found this link you can try

You may also consider turning error reporting on briefly to see. Just be wary of it though as some information can be too revealing in browser.

As for the extra steamids, I can look into it. I know the steamprofile.js has checks to make sure it's unique. The only thing that would be different is the amount of iterations the code would go through. If it's quicker to parse that string, check and remove dupes, and rebuild the string than having a larger JSON file, I don't mind making the switch. I know the API request itself is pretty quick regardless, unless the steamcommunity is down or is having issues.
You don't cache the results?

The status changes of a player so much, caching wouldn't work so well. That data would turn stale pretty quick. :( Plus it's only one JSON call for any amount of SteamProfiles on a single page. So not much in the way of overhead. Especially in comparison to how the majority of SteamProfile implementations still operate (Community XML data instead of JSON, which is slower and unreliable. Also deprecated).

EDIT: Usually if the steamcommunity goes down, everyone shows as offline in the profile. On rare occasions, it may not pull anything. But it's been awhile since I've witnessed the latter. Unfortunately, I have to be online and looking for it when it happens. Valve is usually good at keeping the API going.

The only thing I'm considering caching at this moment are links to the in-game banners (which will limit the amount extra calls for them). This is what I'm currently working on in the dev branch. Stripping the dupe steamids may be beneficial in this upcoming build as long as it doesn't break anything. I haven't toyed around with the javascript much until recently. It was a roll in from another developer here.
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So is there a way to check if I have BCMath before trying to install this mod?

Also, is there a way to get the steam API key without purchasing any games? I registered a new account specially for the Login Function and it says I would not be able to get API key until some purchased games are added to account.
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So is there a way to check if I have BCMath before trying to install this mod?

Also, is there a way to get the steam API key without purchasing any games? I registered a new account specially for the Login Function and it says I would not be able to get API key until some purchased games are added to account.

The quickest way would be using php info:

And unfortunately no. Steam's policy seems to be that you need one game on your account as discussed earlier in this thread. :(

It is possible that a DOTA 2 invite may work. See if you know anyone who has one.
So far things look good, the only issue is that im not really sure what this option does "Steam statistics navbar tab". I cant see it anywhere if i check it on.
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