Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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Okay I'm back in action for a little bit and since the XF2 beta just came out, it's time to get things into gear.

I use Xenforo 1.5.14 and Steam Auth on 1.6.3.

I mean if Steam auth is active. Then Facebook and google plus add-ons will not work. They are just a regular image but not active. Anyway, does Steam auth just work?

I'll try setting this up on my test box again to see what happens.

there are no errors but looking in the change log of a user I get this:

Interesting. As this is happening with everyone.

Hmmmm... That's interesting. Might have to debug that a bit further.
Hmmmm... That's interesting. Might have to debug that a bit further.
Nvm. I just been running an out of date version of this addon.

Your update there might fix this, I'll let you know!

Nope still didn't fix.
Only promoted 15 of my users:
However, there are hundreds of users who have it integrated

If I select "Not associated" for the user promotion, it only promotes 7 users even though it should promote a couple thousand.
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Okay I'm back in action for a little bit and since the XF2 beta just came out, it's time to get things into gear.
cant wait to get the xenforo 2 version, keep up the good work!

do you have a rough ETA on when a compatible version might be out?
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I cant seem to get profiles to display, permissions are correctly set and we've associated our accounts but yet profiles refuses to display. I've gone through the thread and added the proper modifications to my templates and still nothing. I'm currently using Octane by themescorp. banners display just fine on the default style.
Hey guys,

Just an update. Had a major career and life change and I have not been able to develop the addon to XenForo 2.0 as of yet. I know this is not the response anyone wants to see with the announcement of 2.0 release.

Sorry to keep you all in the dark, it's been a hectic last few months for me. I know this addon is important to a lot of communities and people have been waiting for its release. Can't believe I've been maintaining this project for almost 5 years now. Time goes by way too fast.

I don't know if I'll be able to continue with my work as of right now. It really just depends on a few factors, some of it is out of my control.

Luckily, Morgan had started Steam Authentication as open source and contributions from @Luke F, @Chris D, among others have helped get this addon where it is today. I chose to not take donations or games in return for this work, because it was a labor of love to me and it wasn't just me who had worked on it.

I hope that if these life factors prevent me from continuing this addon, whoever picks it up continues under the same GNU license and the community continues to be involved with the contribution. Collaboration can accomplish great things.

I'll continue to keep everyone updated on if I can continue this project or not. I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who's contributed, made feature requests, and use this addon in their communities thus far.
Thank you very much for explaining your situation and for your 5 years maintaining and your labor of love :love:

This addon is very valuable for my gaming community since beginning 2013 and I would even pay a decent amount for a xf 2 update. Is it possible that someone other picks it up right now or do you want to wait some time before you decide?
Hey guys,

Just an update. Had a major career and life change and I have not been able to develop the addon to XenForo 2.0 as of yet. I know this is not the response anyone wants to see with the announcement of 2.0 release.

Sorry to keep you all in the dark, it's been a hectic last few months for me. I know this addon is important to a lot of communities and people have been waiting for its release. Can't believe I've been maintaining this project for almost 5 years now. Time goes by way too fast.

I don't know if I'll be able to continue with my work as of right now. It really just depends on a few factors, some of it is out of my control.

Luckily, Morgan had started Steam Authentication as open source and contributions from @Luke F, @Chris D, among others have helped get this addon where it is today. I chose to not take donations or games in return for this work, because it was a labor of love to me and it wasn't just me who had worked on it.

I hope that if these life factors prevent me from continuing this addon, whoever picks it up continues under the same GNU license and the community continues to be involved with the contribution. Collaboration can accomplish great things.

I'll continue to keep everyone updated on if I can continue this project or not. I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who's contributed, made feature requests, and use this addon in their communities thus far.

All I can say is thank you for your hard work, I appreciate everything you have done for us over the years. This addon is one of the best!
Thank you very much for explaining your situation and for your 5 years maintaining and your labor of love :love:

This addon is very valuable for my gaming community since beginning 2013 and I would even pay a decent amount for a xf 2 update. Is it possible that someone other picks it up right now or do you want to wait some time before you decide?

It's open source, so anybody is welcome to continue it at any time, I can even make contributions down the road if I'm able. I know 2.0 changed a lot of how addons are designed, so it may end up being a separate project as is.

@HowIChrgeLazer, I understood your situation, but this is truly not good at all.
I suppose, this is must be written some time earlier, NOT now, when release 2.0 is excists.;)

That I do apologize for, I thought I would have the time, but things closed up on me really fast. 2.0 is a big change so there will be a lot of catching up for the addon developers here.
I seem to be getting a cron issue when ever it runs the steam cron. please advise, version 1.6.3

Server Error Log

Error Info

ErrorException: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons - library/Steam/Cron.php:29

Generated By: demetri, 1 minute ago

Stack Trace

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'set_time_limit(...', '/home/hp3-linc6...', 29, Array)

#1 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/library/Steam/Cron.php(29): set_time_limit(0)

#2 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/library/XenForo/Model/Cron.php(356): Steam_Cron::update(Array)

#3 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Cron.php(213): XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry(Array)

#4 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(369): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Cron->actionRun()

#5 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(152): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))

#6 /home/hp3-linc6-nfs1-w/838/1603838/user/htdocs/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()

#7 {main}

Request State

array(3) {

  ["url"] => string(124) ""

  ["_GET"] => array(2) {

    ["cron/steam_user_poll/run"] => string(0) ""

    ["_xfToken"] => string(53) "1,1512572595,a5949aaf60f7571ac90afe59670558ed2c3cac24"


  ["_POST"] => array(0) {


ErrorException: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons - library/Steam/Cron.php:29

Your host is preventing the code to use set_time_limit() which is causing it to error out.

Shared hosts do this to prevent people from running long processes that could potentially impact performance.
Your host is preventing the code to use set_time_limit() which is causing it to error out.

Shared hosts do this to prevent people from running long processes that could potentially impact performance.

Thought that was the case. I’ll contact the host and see what’s happening.

Anyone else having issues with the Steam Avatar not replacing users(s) current avatar? and "Display Steam Profile in-game banners" Not working?
I know that a lot of people probably did ask this question and i'm really sorry for asking the same question for the second time. I couldn't find any answer for it when i was looking at the previouus pages. Is there a simple way to prevent users from registering manually? And forcing them to register steam only? A lot of people have mentioned to do that on templates but i really don't want to touch that. Any suggestion?
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