Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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Xenforo 1.3 Update

Hello everyone,

It looks like I may be on track to get this add-on ready for the release of Xenforo 1.3. I've got a mostly functional release on the dev branch at GitHub but I strongly encourage users to NOT and I REPEAT NOT try this build on production sites or development sites yet. Because of the changes between Xenforo 1.2 and Xenforo 1.3 to External Accounts, releases from here on out will only work on Xenforo 1.3+! The new version will be removing steam_auth_id from xf_user_profile, so if you install it on a version older than Xenforo 1.3 it'll break stuff.

I'm still hammering out a few issues with account association and disassociation (it does "work" so to speak, it's just accounts will show up as Unknown Account in the External Account section), and I have the external account template manually added into xenforo at the moment.

Once I get a few things cleaned up, I'll give it a go on my primary forum's test site and ask if anybody else could test it out for me.
I unfortunately cannot help you with that. It involves coding and/or the use of redirects and I can't really keep up on supporting manual code changes for stock registration.
I updated to 1.3.6 but my banners under the avatars has disappeared, am I missing where to get these back?


*edit, nevermind, some odd reason I had special permissions and after it changed it, it took a few minutes to come back.
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Hi, what Rivacom said...banners seem to have vanished for me after updating to 1.3.6 from 1.3.1

***FIXED*** It set all permissions to NO
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Is it possible to get a user's steam ID from another addon? What type of code should I be thinking about?
Steam Authentication & Integration v1.4.0-RC1

Hey everyone,

I have 1.4.0-RC1 setup on the develop branch. I have tested on my test forums (upgrading from XenForo 1.1.5 to 1.3.0 Beta 3 and Steam Auth 1.3.5 to 1.4.0-RC1). It looks like it's working well.

If anybody would like to try it you can get the link below. Please understand that this is a development version and it can only be installed on XenForo 1.3.0+. If you try to install it on older version, you WILL BREAK STUFF.

I've tested as much as I could and fixed any bugs I saw, so I deemed this download a release candidate. It's possible there still may be bugs or it'll eat your homework or what have you. Please do not use on a production site. I'm only releasing this for feedback and external testing.

<link removed, version released>

Is it possible to get a user's steam ID from another addon? What type of code should I be thinking about?

It would depend on how that addon is storing SteamIDs. I can't really give you a more detailed answer than that without additional information.
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t would depend on how that addon is storing SteamIDs. I can't really give you a more detailed answer than that without additional information.

I think you misunderstood my question. I want the code to get the steam ID from your addon, and use it in another one.
The SteamIDs are stored as a steamid64 in provider_keys in the external auth database. You can access them in templates by using {$user.externalAuth.steam} in member info or {$message.externalAuth.steam} in messages.

If you need a steamid (not steamid64) in a template, you can use the helper in this addon: {xen:helper steamid, $value}. Otherwise you're going to need us to maths to convert the steamid64 to a normal steamid. The PHP code for that is in this addon and is floating freely around the net as well.
HowIChrgeLazer updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry:

Version 1.4.1 Changelog


Due to the changes to External Accounts in XenForo 1.3, Updates from this version on will only support XenForo 1.3.0+. If you attempt to install Steam Auth 1.4.0 on an older version of XenForo, it will break Steam Auth. You have been warned.


== Version 1.4.0 ==
* Migrated Steam Integration to External Accounts for Xenforo 1.3
* Fixed bug with recent game hours re-sync when re-associating account
* Removed majority of template hooks, now using XenForo's Template Modifications system
* Fixed registration bug (Undefined variable: location)

== Version 1.4.1 ==
* Made Template Modification descriptions more user friendly

Sorry about the two quick updates in a row. I realized I had some discrepancies with the descriptions of the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Bug: When posting using the Xenforo quick reply, the steam banner under your avatar will not load on that post.
Bug: When posting using the Xenforo quick reply, the steam banner under your avatar will not load on that post.

Please read the Resource Overview. This has been a known bug since the addon's inception. But thank you for reporting it.

SteamProfile not loading after quick reply or editing a post

This is an issue with how XenForo loads this content. I'll have to look into this further and see if there is a fix. There is no known method at this time.
1 question ,
since updating the plugin (using 1.3.0 Beta) the steam signature and the banners under the name (by threads , too) aren't working.
Maybe I did a mistake?
Please help.

Btw. , good work!

1 question ,
since updating the plugin (using 1.3.0 Beta) the steam signature and the banners under the name (by threads , too) aren't working.
Maybe I did a mistake?
Please help.

Btw. , good work!


Have you tried the step in the FAQ?

I can't see SteamProfile banners in posts

Check to make sure that the user group in question has the permissions to view steam content and that the templates that should be displayed are enabled in Template Modifications

If you have and it is still not working, please let me know.
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