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Steam Authentication & Integration 1.0.7

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The postbit info? As in the part that goes into the message content or overall the Steam box itself? I set just a few style attributes out of laziness in the div that is inserted in the "steam_message_content" template (for fixing the box width and floating it for the message content version) and everything else is located in "js/steam/themes" (which by default, uses the default theme). There is also a steamprofile.xml that you can configure additional settings in.
I don't think we would want both versions installed at the same time so I don't view this being an issue. However I originally used the previous add-on for Steam and migration was seamless so that's a good thing.
I also have the old version of steam. How do you migrate?
I also have the old version of steam. How do you migrate?
Uninstalling the previous version leaves Steam as an external authentication source (if you look in xf_user_external_auth after you uninstall your users will still have Steam listed). Then you'll want to also remove the custom field you created for the older add-on as it is no longer used then follow the install process. It will use the existing data stored within the xf_user_external_auth table so once you've completed the migration your users will likely not notice the change.

Also, you'll need to revert any templates you had to change such as the part for the login_bar. You should just reference the old addons install steps to find exactly what to remove.
The postbit info? As in the part that goes into the message content or overall the Steam box itself? I set just a few style attributes out of laziness in the div that is inserted in the "steam_message_content" template (for fixing the box width and floating it for the message content version) and everything else is located in "js/steam/themes" (which by default, uses the default theme). There is also a steamprofile.xml that you can configure additional settings in.

Ok, thanks much, that's what I needed to know.

One suggestion would be the ability to set different display locations within the postbit (the user information on the left of each post). For instance, I'd like to display it under some of the other data displayed instead of the current default location. Mostly just due to a few styling issues.
Specific to preference regarding before or after custom user fields (would be difficult to mix inside of those) or something else?
Specific to preference regarding before or after custom user fields (would be difficult to mix inside of those) or something else?

For me, I'd like it displayed after everything (custom user fields, etc). So it'd be at the bottom of all of that data. But if it's possible to set different locations, it might be good to add a handful for various people's preferences.
Ah, yea I do see that now. Looks like that's a separate spot and I don't know if there is a specific hook for inside the custom user field portion or not.
One other suggestion, not too big of a deal though. If you're viewing your own steam info, don't give the option to add yourself as a friend. Not sure how the mod works, but if it's possible I'd tweak just that one thing.
Not certain how I could do that. I'd have to poke around a bit and see what I can do. I also have plans to implement some criteria for Notices so you can advise people who are not associated with Steam to do so.
Great release thanks Morgan, one problem I did find (may only be specific to our site) is that quoted text goes behind it when it's in the message. I did get around it by just reducing the bbcodequote style property width to 75% but thought you may want to know ... btw am using a fixed width style.

Yea, that certainly is a constraint for this Addon. On my forum I've increased the width of the info portion of a post myself ...

Personally I do prefer it under the profile but as stated previously it's a bit narrow, I have been able to increase the messageuserblock width but no luck with the actually message area. Have reduced it's width but can't get it to go to the right and it sits under the messageblock. Have tried float:right; but that starts the whole message under the messageblock. Any help you could provide with this would be cool ta :).
Thank you very much for what you've done already. I was wondering if it's possible to add an option to force users to go through Steam authentication while registering? In addition to that, could you make it so Steam ID's can be banned/auto-rejected as well? Seems like a great way to cut down on spam and banned reregs who change their IP's.

Just some ideas. ;)
Morgan updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry:


User criteria have been implemented to allow specifically notices to users for any set of options you can imagine!

Some examples:
  • Users who are not logged in -> invite them to login with Steam
  • Users who have not associated -> invite them to associate with Steam
  • Users who have associated -> tell them how cool they are!
See the main description for additional screenshots.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Great release thanks Morgan, one problem I did find (may only be specific to our site) is that quoted text goes behind it when it's in the message. I did get around it by just reducing the bbcodequote style property width to 75% but thought you may want to know ... btw am using a fixed width style.
Yea, that is a known issue and while I haven't spent much time on it, I also haven't found a decent work around besides what you have found. I'm not partically happy with either option at this point so hopefully I'll find a way to fix this.
Personally I do prefer it under the profile but as stated previously it's a bit narrow, I have been able to increase the messageuserblock width but no luck with the actually message area. Have reduced it's width but can't get it to go to the right and it sits under the messageblock. Have tried float:right; but that starts the whole message under the messageblock. Any help you could provide with this would be cool ta :).
I was able to adjust this but it did take a bit of effort. Here's what I found worked:
Message Layout->User Info Container->Width
Message Layout->Content Container->Left
I increased both of those values by the same amount (I found that an additional 60 pixels seemed to work well for me.
Thank you very much for what you've done already. I was wondering if it's possible to add an option to force users to go through Steam authentication while registering? In addition to that, could you make it so Steam ID's can be banned/auto-rejected as well? Seems like a great way to cut down on spam and banned reregs who change their IP's.

Just some ideas. ;)
Good points, no idea when I'll actually implement them. As far as banning specific Steam ID's, possible...but if you ban instead of delete a user they won't be able to register a new account with the same Steam Id anyways. Love the idea of using Steam only as an authentication source so I'll investigate this as an option.
I was able to adjust this but it did take a bit of effort. Here's what I found worked:

I increased both of those values by the same amount (I found that an additional 60 pixels seemed to work well for me.

Thanks for that Morgan, worked a treat :).
Unfortunately have had to disable the add-on for now, it doesn't seem to play nice with some other add-ons. When they're installed get the following error message trying to access the Steam Integration page:

The controller XenForo_ControllerPublic_Account does not define an action called Steam.

This has happened with some mods already installed and new ones installed after it.
Some details on exactly what is going on would be preferred. It's a bit hard to troubleshoot with little to no information.
Yeah sorry, the only info I have on it is that error message above, there's nothing in the server error log about it.

About the only other info I can give you is it didn't work when the ToggleMe add was previously installed, and installing Waindigo's last post avatar add-on caused the error as well. Both had to be uninstalled for the Steam Integration page to work. It does work with the Jake's nodes as tabs mod. It might also be of interest that after installing waindigo's mod the steam 'ribbon' still appeared in the messages etc and was working - .i.e. showed when online, offline and in-game - this only appears to afffect the integration page itself.

Hopefully this may help.
For me, I'd like it displayed after everything (custom user fields, etc). So it'd be at the bottom of all of that data. But if it's possible to set different locations, it might be good to add a handful for various people's preferences.

I achieved it with a template edit, not sure if you're 'into' doing them but if you are I've attached the message_user_info template I edited


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