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Start Conversation from Post (Ajax) 1.2.5

No permission to download

It's not the sitemap causing the issue, and I use the same one you posted. This add on creates extra links on the page to allow you to start a conversation.

The sitemap doesn't contain the links, just the thread pages which contain them. When google crawls those thread pages it finds the links in the page itself and then tries to access them. Obviously it doesn't have permission to them, as it is not logged in to the site.

Hope that makes sense.


It's not the sitemap causing the issue, and I use the same one you posted. This add on creates extra links on the page to allow you to start a conversation.

The sitemap doesn't contain the links, just the thread pages which contain them. When google crawls those thread pages it finds the links in the page itself and then tries to access them. Obviously it doesn't have permission to them, as it is not logged in to the site.

Hope that makes sense.


I know what you meant... and I have this installed also (and have since it was released). Since implementing the change listed via TMS Google Webmaster tools shows no errors and below is a shot of my Bing Webmaster tools.
And here is what Google would see when logged in and a non-validated user (as you can see, the link is nowhere to be seen).
And here is what is seen when you are logged in
I've (for a test) added into my robots segment of the add-on the following

Will see if that will disallow it or not.

The screen shots of logged in/out match mine so won't post similar images. I've also checked the page code as well.

Here is my "Crawl Errors" page from GA, which is currently showing 9,421 errors. It only shows the top 1,000 errors and all of those 1,000 listed are relating to this.

Bing is similar to yours, except for a load of 301's not relating to this issue!

Appreciate your assistance in this! :)

Cheers, Gary
Thanks for update :)
For (message title} I have defaulted it to the thread title
At the moment, Thread Title isn't really defaultet in message title.
It's shown as "background text", but I have to write on my own the mesage title again instead of just leave it and send the conversation cause If I don't write a message title, xenforo will cancel sending conversation by an error message popup something like "can't send cause no message title defined". can you please optimize it, so message title are really prewritten according thread title?

"Preview" Button should be removed
cause it's little bit useless if all message content ist lost if I press "preview". ok, i can ctrl+c the content before preview, but forum users that doesn't know about this glitch will be probably angry. and it's a "fastfood" conversation from a forumpost, i don't think anyone would write a lot in it to need a preview.

The screen shots of logged in/out match mine so won't post similar images. I've also checked the page code as well.

Here is my "Crawl Errors" page from GA, which is currently showing 9,421 errors. It only shows the top 1,000 errors and all of those 1,000 listed are relating to this.

Bing is similar to yours, except for a load of 301's not relating to this issue!
View attachment 46893

Appreciate your assistance in this! :)

Cheers, Gary

It appears that adding the /conversation?to into the robots.txt did the job. I've had it up and running now since I posted about the test and attached is a screenshot of my google webmaster tools. The error shown is a cached hit on a user that I banned.
Thanks for update :)

At the moment, Thread Title isn't really defaultet in message title.
It's shown as "background text", but I have to write on my own the mesage title again instead of just leave it and send the conversation cause If I don't write a message title, xenforo will cancel sending conversation by an error message popup something like "can't send cause no message title defined". can you please optimize it, so message title are really prewritten according thread title?

"Preview" Button should be removed
cause it's little bit useless if all message content ist lost if I press "preview". ok, i can ctrl+c the content before preview, but forum users that doesn't know about this glitch will be probably angry. and it's a "fastfood" conversation from a forumpost, i don't think anyone would write a lot in it to need a preview.

Good suggestions. Both done in version 1.2.4
Again Issue with "xxx" and "vvvvvvv..." Link Texts in 1.2.4:

can you please fix it and upload new update?

Great add-on, thanks!

Suggestion / request (I think somebody else suggested this already...)

Can you remove the link to start a conversation from a users' own post. At the moment the link appears, and triggers a popup stating that conversations can not be started with yourself. Removing this entirely would be great.


Great add-on, thanks!

Suggestion / request (I think somebody else suggested this already...)

Can you remove the link to start a conversation from a users' own post. At the moment the link appears, and triggers a popup stating that conversations can not be started with yourself. Removing this entirely would be great.

Are you using TMS? If so, I think the below will work
In template conversationpost_userinfo
<dl class="conversationPostBitContainer">
        <a  class="OverlayTrigger PopupItemLink" data-cacheOverlay="false" href="{xen:link posts/conversation, '{$user}', 'to={$user.username}'}">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a>
Replace with
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$user.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">
    <dl class="conversationPostBitContainer">
        <a  class="OverlayTrigger PopupItemLink" data-cacheOverlay="false" href="{xen:link posts/conversation, '{$user}', 'to={$user.username}'}">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a>
Following template conditional will do that, in addition to not showing to guests

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$user.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">
For me it doesn't work. I have following code in template "conversationpost_post":

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$user.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">
<a href="{xen:link posts/conversation, $post, 'to={$post.username}'}" class="OverlayTrigger item control report" data-cacheOverlay="false">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a>
(yes, i use and changed only postbit. cause userinfo option for this addon is in ACP set inactive. but the issue still exists if i modify both templates^^)
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For me it doesn't work. I have following code in template "conversationpost_post":
(yes, i use and changed only postbit. cause userinfo option for this addon is in ACP set inactive. but the issue still exists if i modify both templates^^)
Yep, and that's why I specified that it was the conversationpost_userinfo template. I never could get it to work in the conversationpost_post template. AFAIK, it SHOULD work - but it doesn't.
but the issue still exists if i modify both templates^^)
How i mentioned, i tried it by editing both templates, even if I only have only postbit active in ACP Options. Both template edits didn't worked.

So how you said, does it really worked for your postbit link by editing conversationpost_userinfo?
How i mentioned, i tried it by editing both templates, even if I only have only postbit active in ACP Options. Both template edits didn't worked.

So how you said, does it really worked for your postbit link by editing conversationpost_userinfo?
If you made the edit as detailed, it should. Here is a current screenshot of my site message user info area. You have to have it shown as available in extra user info.
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