sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

Thanks. I have just finished with the treatment.
Glad you are back, it's amazing that on the very same day we were talking about you, that you just happened to finish your treatments after a 4 months hiatus! Perhaps in the future, you can update your status or let everyone know you are taking an extended leave of absence so everyone is not left wondering what is going on.
Glad you are back, it's amazing that on the very same day we were talking about you, that you just happened to finish your treatments after a 4 months hiatus! Perhaps in the future, you can update your status or let everyone know you are taking an extended leave of absence so everyone is not left wondering what is going on.
You know, there gets to be a point where condescension just starts making you look bad as opposed to the person you are being condescing to.
Son, have you considered instead of building a completely different add on, instead expanding and adding features to the XF core media gallery?

Adding the things that made yours great like the feature rich lightbox, masonry view, easier quick upload capability, media map etc?

You might have a larger market for the add on this way, as people won't then have to decide between two completely separate add ons.
Son, have you considered instead of building a completely different add on, instead expanding and adding features to the XF core media gallery?

Adding the things that made yours great like the feature rich lightbox, masonry view, easier quick upload capability, media map etc?

You might have a larger market for the add on this way, as people won't then have to decide between two completely separate add ons.
This is a great idea. Everyone wins.
I'd rather pay an extra $65 if it means I can get the core support of the official gallery, plus added flexibility of adding all the great UI and UX improvements of Son's design.

XF would generate more sales, Son would have a chance to make sales back from anyone who has already made the switch to the official 2.0 option but preferred his design, it would greatly increases the potential market for his release. Official users could upgrade to his option/skin at any time, there would be less pressure on him to support an entire gallery so he could focus on enhancements instead of working on the task of building and maintaining such a large project on his own from the ground up.

It would be better than having nothing at all, as has been the case since the release of XF2 over two years ago. There may be too many technical challenges to get something like this to work given how each gallery works, but it's a thought.

Either way, I hope you're able to get back on top of things soon Son. Really keen to see a beautiful XF2.0 port of your gallery design soon.
It sounds like you already switched from SonnBs Gallery to Xenforo Gallery. Then your wish make sense. But I am not switched away from SonnB, so it would be the next point who Xenforo would more cost expansiv as bevor. And Xenforo is at the Moment already on a high cost level, when you use more than 3 addons ...

As I read on his support forum, he has already made a lot of work for the new xenforo 2.x version - so Son have for you made a complete new addon. ;-)
The other point is, that SonnB Gallery made many things others than Xenforo gallery made and its no good idea to lose the features the old SonnB Gallery already have. The category and album management is much difficult from Xenforo Gallery and its much better by SonnB.
It's not a wish, it's just a suggestion so this doesn't turn into vapourware.

It sounds like you already switched from SonnBs Gallery to Xenforo Gallery.

One one site, yes I've switched to the XenForo 2.0 media gallery. On another site I've not upgraded the site to XF2 due to the lack of Son's gallery even though pretty much every thing else I need is available on XF2, or if it's not I'm happy to ditch it. I've been holding out for the gallery though.

I much prefer even the XF1 version of Son's gallery than the stock XF2 gallery. Category and album management aside, which I could probably adapt to either way (neither are perfect even though I think I prefer Son's implementation), the browsing, ease of engagement and, upload experience is so much more intuitive IMO due to its design.

When Son's gallery comes out I would consider swapping back if the stock one doesn't some get core or 3rd party feature updates.
I'm certainly not going to argue that some people prefer infinite scrolling and masonry layout (though worth noting that many don't) but you guys, if you want to actually see any change, are really going to need to justify your comments surrounding category and album management and the upload experience being more intuitive.

Sorry, but I'm just not seeing it. IMO those areas are much better in XFMG2. Not sure if you're basing your opinions on XFMG1 or whether you're just seeing something that I'm not.

Answers on a postcard please (i.e. reply in the XFMG suggestions/support forum, not here).
I don't think there is infinite scrolling in XenGallery is there? If there is, I don't use it and I don't think it's default. I much prefer pagination anyway as there's lots of documented UI issues with infinite scrolling.

Masonry layout I prefer as all the thumbnails are not cropped to square. It means you get a real total perspective of every photo when scrolling through pages of thumbnails and you don't have to load a full page or full lightbox to get full context of the picture, only if you want to zoom in and/or see the comments. (This seems to be something that could be a user or admin specified styling option though)

The full featured lightbox with sidebar comments is the major feature missing for me. It's an absolute must (with the beautiful aesthetics of a masonry thumbnail layout a close second). It means you can view the media (whether it's a picture or video) and scroll through comments and post comments all while keeping the media in focus for reference, it also provides a great additional ad spot. I seem to remember suggesting this way back on the original dedicated media gallery forum and that UI design still holds up today on the competing platforms that use it, which is why I think it's still a good idea. Plus the ability to skip though photo to photo full screen easily with a single click or tap (with or without comments appearing as you skip)

Category and album management could go either way, there's pros and cons of both systems currently, but the quick upload capability of XenGallery is nice, where users just want to quickly post a pic without having to make decisions about what gallery to post in etc. It either posts it straight to a user profile gallery, or a mobile gallery if you're on mobile, but both are literally just variations of a simple user profile album that can then be shared in a new content feed without having to worry about picking specific albums.

A proper reply is essay worthy to be inclusive of pics/gifs/video/examples. So I'll try to put together a proper post sometime in the appropriate suggestion forum to try and highlight the differences with specific suggestion ideas and explain my reasoning.

(I don't mean to diss your gallery at all Chris btw! It's a great solution and I am using it, but having used both extensively there's features of Son's that if made core would step it up to a whole new level in this ever increasing graphical media rich social media environment, IMHO)
Thanks @RobinHood for your suggestion. In fact this addon and the XFMG have different approach of managing media. Although that they both allowing you to add media, album, category and comment but the way you interact with them are different.

While maintaining this addon always keep me a group of customers, paying effort on improving the XFMG can make the works not effective when XFMG updates which include the additional features or become incompatible.

I prefer to work on XenGallery separately unless they - XenForo want to buy it 😱
Just adding myself to the list of people who'd really like to upgrade from 1.5 to 2.1 but am waiting for an upgrade path of some sort for my gallery...
I guess I'll have to do that big suggestion write up of improvements for the core gallery after all, and hope the XF devs are able to work on it if we're ever going to get something more modern, feature rich and as easy to use as XenGallery.
Don't do a big write up. It becomes unmanageable to action, and too over-arching. You need to come up with specific changes you would like to see. I'm sure you realise but "Make it more modern", "Make it more feature rich", and "Make it easier to use" won't cut it either. If you're going to make comments like that, and want to see change, you would need to justify why and/or how those changes should be made.

And, clearly, given that we're no longer working on releasing XF 2.1, I wouldn't recommend delaying those ideas much further if you want any hope to see them implemented in the near future.
Absolutely, I'd be much more specific in my suggestion and try to be as constructive as possible with and give reasoning :)

I was a bit frustrated when I posted that, it didn't mean to word it as being unhelpful.
Does anyone have suggestions on how I might be able to export the data and images or whatever I may need to do in order to import it later into another solution? I need to upgrade to XF2 and this is the only thing holding me back right now...
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