sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

I have a question.

What does this mod do exactly if you don't add the other free mods that are suggested?

What does this mod alone do to make it worth $15?


First, They are made for Stop Spam Here and to be integrated with Stop Spam Here, not standalone at the moment.

Secondly, about this addon features: As you could see in resource description and in addon Options.
- It could detect bot with hidden field on registration
- It could do "Risk Indicator" checking based on User's IP, username and email on registration.
- It could perform Akismet check on user posting (various locations).
- It could perform Keyword and Url checking on user posting (various locations).

Each checking function has various actions to be applied.

It would be updated with more features in the future releases.
First, They are made for Stop Spam Here and to be integrated with Stop Spam Here, not standalone at the moment.
oooh, so those other links/mods wouldn't do anything by themselves, they need your mod to work?

Okay, I understand now.
I hope a readme is included with the file at some point that might explain all that a little better. :)
I generally download files and install them later, I hate having to come back to a site to read how to install it or how to use it when it's sometimes easy to just copy and past into a word file.

Thanks for the reply.
oooh, so those other links/mods wouldn't do anything by themselves, they need your mod to work?

Okay, I understand now.
I hope a readme is included with the file at some point that might explain all that a little better. :)
I generally download files and install them later, I hate having to come back to a site to read how to install it or how to use it when it's sometimes easy to just copy and past into a word file.

Thanks for the reply.
They would work standalone if you modify for your own but it would mainly work with Stop Spam Here at its current version.

I would include readme file in the next version.

Thanks for your information.
I have a question.

What does this mod do exactly if you don't add the other free mods that are suggested?

What does this mod alone do to make it worth $15?
How well does it work without the free mods listed above?

The mod used to include bot checking against those services but having SFS checking in the core of a paid product was against SFS TOS. sonnb moved the bot checking API services out of the core add-on to comply and steer clear of TOS problems. IMO, you really need to add all of the free modules to this core product.
Yes, my understanding is that those other add-ons allow this one to work with additional spam-defence services - adding to its capability, as opposed to being an actual requirement. (y)

It's on my to-do list too, but I've had a busy couple of weeks so haven't tried it yet.

You might want to look at this one too as a complimentary additional spam-bot defence:
Thanks for your information :) Actually it has this function in core (y)
I have a question.
Running latest version with all additional APIs installed.

When viewing my Stop Spam Here logs, all I see is registrations blocked by BotScout - 1000's of them so far. Why is it that I never see any blocks from SFS or the others in the logs? Does SPH check BotScout first?

Also, when checking the IPs of new members, we've found a few that show up in the SFS database. How are they getting through all 4 databases even though they are listed in SFS db?
I have a question.
Running latest version with all additional APIs installed.

When viewing my Stop Spam Here logs, all I see is registrations blocked by BotScout - 1000's of them so far. Why is it that I never see any blocks from SFS or the others in the logs? Does SPH check BotScout first?

Also, when checking the IPs of new members, we've found a few that show up in the SFS database. How are they getting through all 4 databases even though they are listed in SFS db?
Hello Melbo,

All 4 services are randomly to be the first one, it depends on which one XF loads first. You see almost of them are blocked by BotScout because of 2 reasons:
- XF load BotScout first.
- They are found in BotScout so we would ignore the check on the another.

For second question, we might have several reasons:
- Maybe at the time of checking, it could not able to check on them (timeout etc.)
- SFS has confidence number (as we know) so event if that IP is listed in SFS db but the confidence is lower than 70, it would not marked as spam (to reduce false positive).
Socially Uncensored officially and publicly recommends and endorses this add-on as required feature to help prevent bot spam, sleeper spam, and human spam; when used in conjunction with (also)

This combination survived an onslaught test done by myself and other members of Anonymous. Out of the 1,000 testing volunteer testers; only 2% were successful in passing our security measures and were classified as none aggressive ... ie... Provided you have an active staff or a limited "noob account status" (if not both), spam was virtually removed or prevented without anyone even knowing it happened ... ie ... community was unaware.
They should work as separated addons.

Okay, I'll install yours and see how it goes - I only asked because I know the FoolBotHoneyPot add-on doesn't use real field names and I wondred if your add-on hooks into the real names.

If I get any conflicts I'll let you know. (y)

Shaun :D
Okay, I'll install yours and see how it goes - I only asked because I know the FoolBotHoneyPot add-on doesn't use real field names and I wondred if your add-on hooks into the real names.

If I get any conflicts I'll let you know. (y)

Shaun :D
I have discussed with him, since that addon would changes the real field name, some functions of Stop Spam Here would not work correctly because the data would not be correctly from what user entered.

So at this current version, it is recommended to use Stop Spam Here or FoolBotHoneyPot.

In the next version, I would implement a function that would check for FoolBotHoneyPot addon and collect the right data for checking.

I am sorry if this makes you feel disappointed.
No, not disappointed at all - if you're willing to work together to make them compatible at some future point then that's a good thing. (y)
Can you put a limit on the number of log entries? Or auto prune it once a week?
I don't want to keep going back to the log and clean it. If I forget it for a year, it will make my DB too big.
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