Style Some upcoming styles from

Do you have any plans for a style where the account, inbox, logout, etc links are in the moderator bar?

We have too many nav links to have those on the same line as the nav bar so looking for a style that moves them up.
Do you have any plans for a style where the account, inbox, logout, etc links are in the moderator bar?

We have too many nav links to have those on the same line as the nav bar so looking for a style that moves them up.

Not sure about an official one in the works but we do have the framework which let's you move the user Nav there with a click of a button
Could you maybe post a screenshot of splash and core doing that? (I've not downloaded the latest version of core yet).
Cheers :-)

Can you remind me, how responsive compatible are these? Do you think 1.2 is likely to mean you'll have to rewrite a lot of them?
I'm rather excited getting all these styles ready for release, this one isn't far off from getting there either. It was going to be a project but time is limited heh so it'll get released.


XenPorta view(with slight customization)

Any who, does anyone have any default colors they may want to see it shipped with?
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