Soft Responsive [Deleted]

@Arty, could we float the sidebars in mobile view? Currently, they look fixed and i'd very much like them to float like the forums do...
Version 3.1.0 beta 1 is available for download. Style has been updated for XenForo 1.3.0 beta 2.

This is a simple update for XenForo 1.3.0 beta 2 + few bug fixes, final version will include a lot of new shiny stuff that does not exist in beta version.

To download beta version go to download page, scroll down to upcoming versions section and expand it.
Arty updated Soft Responsive with a new update entry:

Update for XenForo 1.2.5 (also 1.3.0 beta 3)

Style has been updated for XenForo 1.2.5 and XenForo 1.3.0 beta 3.

Version 3.0.11 is for XenForo 1.2.5
Version 3.1.0 beta 3 is for XenForo 1.3.0 beta 3

Style for XenForo 1.2.5 is listed as latest version of style because 1.2.5 is the latest stable version. There were no changes to any files from previous version, to update you only need to import new xml file.

Style for XenForo 1.3.0 beta 3 is available in upcoming versions section of style download page.

What's new in style for...

Read the rest of this update entry...

I bought this style, it's a very nice one, good job.

Im running with XF 1.3 RC2
I have some troubles when I try to put a custom background,
and when I try to add new tabs in navbar. Can you help?

Look my forum here

- I would like a custom background instead of grey left and right sides
- I would like to add others buttons like "Forums" or "Members"

I went in xenforo.css and navigation templates, but it doesn't seem to work with that way

Any tips please ? ;)
I tried and searched so many hours before posting, thanks in advance !

Go to admin control panel -> styles -> style properties -> content wrapper. There you'll see properties for all sides where you can put background.

New tabs are handled by add-ons, not styles. You'll need to make a simple add-on to add new tab. Take a look at "navigation_tabs" listener. I can write more specific tutorial if you need it.
Go to admin control panel -> styles -> style properties -> content wrapper. There you'll see properties for all sides where you can put background.

New tabs are handled by add-ons, not styles. You'll need to make a simple add-on to add new tab. Take a look at "navigation_tabs" listener. I can write more specific tutorial if you need it.

Thanks you so much for your answer.
I almost cried when I saw the background appearing :p

It only shows on left side, but as written, I have to modify @PageWidth property, can you tell me where i can find it?
Background on right side of content area. Works only when @pageWidth property has fixed width.

I'll take a look to navigation_tabs, i only ask for help when im totally stuck

Nice updates btw
Hello, I tried to add the resource link to our Facebook page. Normally, it would automatically load the resource image, but now it only loads the logo.og.png which is the default Xenforo image.
I thought it's the Xenforo problem, but I tested on my other forums with different themes, all worked fine. Only your theme caused this problem: Images couldn't be loaded on Facebook page timeline).
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