Soft Responsive [Deleted]

That is very strange. Probably some conflict with widget framework. I'll test that add-on
@JeffTN: I can't see any conflicts with that add-on. Can you temporary make Soft Responsive style selectable on your forum so I could take a look at problem?
Something is wrong with your CSS. .sidebar is missing float:right;

You are using incorrect version of style. One that you have installed is for XenForo 1.1, you need to install version 3.0 for XenForo 1.2. You can find it on style download page in section "Upcoming versions". Maybe that's what is causing the issue.
Something is wrong with your CSS. .sidebar is missing float:right;

You are using incorrect version of style. One that you have installed is for XenForo 1.1, you need to install version 3.0 for XenForo 1.2. You can find it on style download page in section "Upcoming versions". Maybe that's what is causing the issue.

..and *that* is what I get for installing stuff at 2am. :oops:

Sorry for wasting your time.
No problem. Now I've tested widget framework, so one more add-on to remove from to-check list :)
Not sure if Arty has a 1.2 demo running with it or not, but I have it installed and running on my W.I.P.
Looks good!

The only thing I really pity: I liked the 1.1 Responsive Navigation much more.

And a question about the logo: is it possible to auto-resize for responsive view?
Looks good!

The only thing I really pity: I liked the 1.1 Responsive Navigation much more.

And a question about the logo: is it possible to auto-resize for responsive view?

If I am not mistaken, I think Arty has fixed the logo issues many seem to be having with the theme. The next update should address this.
Logo will auto-resize if you set logo width property.

Unfortunately I can't set up 1.2 demo because my website has 1 XenForo installation that powers my forum + demo. To update it to 1.2 I must update all styles, but Black Responsive isn't ready yet.
Understood. Next and last questions:
  • Only with the branding free licence there comes the psd files, right?
  • Do i need to repay after a year for updates?
No, PSD is available to anyone.

License extension is $10 per year. You can use purchased style for as long as you want, extension is needed only to download new versions.
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This is a great style, love the mobile theme. I do have a question, and I tried searching for the answer via this website, the developers website, and google... when I go to create a new thread, the option of adding a prefix is not there. Did I miss something?

They are working fine for me. Given yourself permissions? Or added them to the correct forums?
They are working fine for me. Given yourself permissions? Or added them to the correct forums?

Yea, they were working just fine with another theme. And oddly enough I see the current threads that still have Prefix's attached, but I can't start a new thread and add one...

Correction: I am an idiot. This is working perfectly.
Yea, they were working just fine with another theme. And oddly enough I see the current threads that still have Prefix's attached, but I can't start a new thread and add one...

Correction: I am an idiot. This is working perfectly.

Not liking you being an idiot... :p

Just glad you sorted it. (y)

@Arty I cannot say enough how much I appreciate this theme, and how easy it is to customize. Thank you for your work and effort.
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