Soft Responsive [Deleted]


Love the design. I just want to check...does this style use nearly all the Xenforo style properties, or is it all written in extra.css? I've seen some nice styles here, but I like stripping them down so they are hardly recognisable and adding my own feel to them (I can't create my own as I'm no coder) - I like your design and I want to use it as a base for a potential light version of my site,

Is it easy to edit / customise, or will it be more grief than it's worth (I see there's no fixed width demo on your page etc)
It actually seems to be impossible to change the color of the rear DIV - I want it Transparent, as the image above - it just doesn't want to play ball.
I can't see that style, most likely it is available only to administrators. You should make it selectable
Arty, surely you can see from the example what I am trying to do? I'm trying to make the white around the sidebar and forum boxes transparent. No matter what I do I cannot do it. It has something to do with #headerMover but I cannot find the value to change it from f1f1 to transparent or none.

There is no property for that. I'll add one for 1.2 version :)

For now ether remove this code from xenforo.css
    background: {xen:property pageBackground} url('{xen:property imagePath}/xenforo/layout/pattern.png') repeat top;
or add this to extra.css
#headerMover { background: transparent none; }
It will take a while because:
  • Style for 1.2 is a complete rewrite, not a simple upgrade
  • I'm currently on vacation without constant access to internet and not much time to work
It will probably be ready sometime next week.
It will take a while because:
  • Style for 1.2 is a complete rewrite, not a simple upgrade
  • I'm currently on vacation without constant access to internet and not much time to work
It will probably be ready sometime next week.

No rush. Just curious. Enjoy your vacation. This **** will still be here when you get back.
Arty updated Soft Responsive with a new update entry:

Update for XenForo 1.2

Soft Responsive 3.0.0 beta 1 is now available! You can download it on style download page.

Note that latest version listed on that page is 2.1.3. Scroll down to "Upcoming versions" section to download version 3.0.0 beta 1.

Changes from 2.1.x:
  • All templates have been reverted and redone from default style. Because of that all customizations you've done to templates might be lost. Save a copy of your old style before...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Forgot to mention that "Coffee Edition" version of Soft Responsive style has not been updated yet.
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