Social Status Updater [Deleted]

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And yet again, I spoke too looks like it just took more than instantly to post to my twitter account, but now looks to work great. Thank, Chris!!
Thank you!

Glad you got it sorted. Yeah the Twitter API is a funny one. It's near instant, but not totally instant. Takes a second or two.
I've installed it and set it up.....

When I go to:

Why does it give me this error:

Server Error

Undefined index: oauth_token
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in SocialStatusUpdater/twitter/twitteroauth.php at line 118
  2. TwitterOAuth->getAccessToken() in SocialStatusUpdater/ControllerPublic/Account.php at line 142
  3. SocialStatusUpdater_ControllerPublic_Account->actionTwitterCallback() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/vhosts/ at line 13
Other than that the app seems to be working hmmm.

How do I fix the error - thanks.
Hmm, I can fix this to be more friendly but actually no one should go to that page.

That URL is basically for Twitter to access and do things. You or your users do not need to go to that page yourselves.

If you're getting that error when Twitter redirects you (after logging in to Twitter and approving access) then it would suggest there is something wrong with the Consumer Key and Secret in your Admin CP options.

Happy to also check it out at your URL if you want to PM me the actual site details.
How do I fix the error - thanks.

How's that for speed... I have fixed the error which I will release in the next version. There's more people using it now, as this is actually not all that important I will hold off in case there are any more tweaks required.

But, once again, the intention has never been for people to access that page directly.
How's that for speed... I have fixed the error which I will release in the next version. There's more people using it now, as this is actually not all that important I will hold off in case there are any more tweaks required.

But, once again, the intention has never been for people to access that page directly.

A quick question:

Use Facebook Login App - it's unchecked in the Social Status Updater but it's ticked, by default in Friend Inviter... Whats the difference ? Should I keep both ticked, un-ticked, leave them as it is?

The choice is entirely up to you.

The first version of the friend inviter forced you to use the same Facebook App as defined in the Facebook Integration options. People didn't like this as some people wanted the invite friend functionality without the login with Facebook function that XF provides.

Therefore my most recent update made it an option to specify different app details.

The reason it is default in Friend Inviter is that's how it was originally in the first version.

In retrospect it shouldn't have ever been the default option so I made it not the default for Social Status Updater.

If that makes sense.... :confused:
The choice is entirely up to you.

The first version of the friend inviter forced you to use the same Facebook App as defined in the Facebook Integration options. People didn't like this as some people wanted the invite friend functionality without the login with Facebook function that XF provides.

Therefore my most recent update made it an option to specify different app details.

The reason it is default in Friend Inviter is that's how it was originally in the first version.

In retrospect it shouldn't have ever been the default option so I made it not the default for Social Status Updater.

If that makes sense.... :confused:
Kind of lol.... So if both are unchecked. What does it mean for the members? If one is checked and the other isn't, then?
Well, this seems to works great!!....I am ambivalent (towards myself, not the add-on, of not truly understanding a bunch of the add-ons that I really like, but did not understand fully until I installed) about the explanation of this...but I really like this in practice. (Not a dig on anyone, it may be either reading comprehension problem on my part, or tiredness).

Either way, I see huge usefulness of this and great potential. I will update with my experiences.
Could you help me understand what you thought this was based on the explanation? Maybe I didn't explain it right... I want to ensure people know what they're buying to avoid disappointment. :(
Kind of lol.... So if both are unchecked. What does it mean for the members? If one is checked and the other isn't, then?
I'm going to explain it from the beginning just so anyone else is wondering the same thing...

So, XenForo has this feature:
Login with Facebook.webp

I'm sure most people are familiar with it, it allows people to log in or register to your forum using their Facebook account. This is known as Facebook Integration.

This is configured by creating a Facebook "app". You create the Facebook app here:

You get a Facebook Application ID and Facebook Application Secret when you create your Facebook app. You need to put these details in Admin CP > Options > Facebook Integration:


Both my add-ons have the option to use these details, instead of creating extra ones:

With that box ticked, it will use the same Facebook App ID and Secret as defined in the Facebook Integration options.

If you don't already have an App ID/Secret and you don't want to enable the Login with Facebook feature then you can define them separately for each add-on:

Which way you do it is entirely up to you. It doesn't really affect your users that much.
Looks sweet. Can I get the "Facebook" or "Twitter" radio check buttons on my XenPorta userstatus block too?
Good question.

If it doesn't already work (I haven't tested it) then I should be able to make it work.

I'd be happy to spend the time to get it working with the Widget Framework widget and the XenPorta block if it doesn't already.
Anybody who knows how willing theaverage user is to use the update status function in xenForo and in this case, on FB and Twitter?
Well, if my dog dies from a drunk driver, I'd want to share it with everyone asap, :whistle: ( example of a scenario )
This add-on makes the job easier on me as a user and I'll do all of my status updates at "that forum" (basically, I can hit three birds with one stone ;) - yeah, that good).

That's just me, :coffee: (should be effective if your community is at a decent size)
Why does the facebook UnLink itself from Preferences, randomly ?

Twitter Link and Unlink working fine.
It will unlink if you log out from Facebook. Likewise, unliking actually logs you out of Facebook.

That's just how the API works, unfortuntely.
I've got this message 3 times since Saturday...
An exception occurred: session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5) failed: Permission denied (13) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 37
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. session_start() in SocialStatusUpdater/facebook/src/facebook.php at line 37
  3. Facebook->__construct() in SocialStatusUpdater/Listener.php at line 45
  4. SocialStatusUpdater_Listener::templatePostRender()
  5. call_user_func_array() in XenForo/CodeEvent.php at line 54
  6. XenForo_CodeEvent::fire() in XenForo/Template/Abstract.php at line 195
  7. XenForo_Template_Abstract->render() in XenForo/Template/Public.php at line 110
  8. XenForo_Template_Public->render() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php at line 135
  9. XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic->renderContainer() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 565
  10. XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 156
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/vhosts/ at line 13
Is this just in your Server Error log, or does this error actually display while browsing the site?

(By the way, I think you tried to hide your domain in the error log by putting "" but it's also displayed on the bottom line of your error)

The error itself suggests a server configuration issue.

Line 37 simply invokes the PHP function session_start().

The error is saying that Apache cannot access the /var/lib/php5 directory on the server. This must be where PHP is trying to save session data, but can't.
Is this just in your Server Error log, or does this error actually display while browsing the site?

(By the way, I think you tried to hide your domain in the error log by putting "" but it's also displayed on the bottom line of your error)

The error itself suggests a server configuration issue.

Line 37 simply invokes the PHP function session_start().

The error is saying that Apache cannot access the /var/lib/php5 directory on the server. This must be where PHP is trying to save session data, but can't.
Yes 3.5 pages of log errors for this and yes, it's appeared 3 times whilst browsing the site.

Lol @ mydomain ;)
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