Implemented  Social Networking block.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
they definitely look out of place just floating there in the bottom of the sidebar. Is not consistent with the rest of the sidebar.
A little self promotion here....

I have posted a screencast on Monday about the "Sociable" block for my website that integrates with several social networks (also allowing users to enter for custom ones...)

Since the Tweet Button is now standard I have removed my custom code for it and, thanks to Kier I have added the default XenForo code into "Xeno Sociaable"

This is what it looks like

View attachment 9575View attachment 9574

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what is the code to get it in the box with sociable etc as you have done?
This is a good idea but it should implement in such a way, it blends nicely with the style. :)

Yes, it was also my first thought when I saw the twitter and facebook buttons+fields 'floating there in no-mans land', but... I also understand Kier's point. Did anyone actually try to create a mockup where those default button+fields are enclosed in a sideblock? Might be interesting to see how it looks then.
I'd like to know how either of these were done...

It's not something I will post or support (primarily if i post it I will need to support the thread ) it's easy enough and I'm sure someone will post.

You may also want to look in the modification templates area, trombones13 posted a social block which you can dump in a template and get that look you want. :)

Edit: I'm sure you'll be able to adapt this and build a containing block.
I have relented. The phrase 'Share This Page' is of use.

View attachment 10096

Kier please stop adding little features
....Going to remove a few conditionals from my framework :p
Kier please stop adding little features ;) ....Going to remove a few conditionals from my framework :p
Sorry Miko ;)

Of course, there is far more in your framework than just a social networking block - you have a bucketload of unique selling points, and I don't think XenoMorph is anywhere close to being rendered redundant by the XenForo core :)
Miko, I've said this to developers of vborg and stylers for vB3

If you sit on top of the core product, if they add alike features to their product, there will always be a customer demand for additional things, or customizations. Don't remove it, extend on it. Be the compliment to the product, not a replacement.

If they add a social block while you had it in your framework, wait until you get rc2 to compare what it does by default, and think outside of the box to extend on it. Maybe it doesn't have a toggle, or a live-toggle. maybe you can re-order the listing, .. I am sure you can come up with a few things to not really stay a-head of Kier/Mike, but more to compliment what they do.
Sorry Miko ;)

Of course, there is far more in your framework than just a social networking block - you have a bucketload of unique selling points, and I don't think XenoMorph is anywhere close to being rendered redundant by the XenForo core :)

Ahah, I was just kidding Kier ;) I honestly think that it looks more cohesive this way, so I'm glad you have added it to the core style.

Miko, I've said this to developers of vborg and stylers for vB3

If you sit on top of the core product, if they add alike features to their product, there will always be a customer demand for additional things, or customizations. Don't remove it, extend on it. Be the compliment to the product, not a replacement.

If they add a social block while you had it in your framework, wait until you get rc2 to compare what it does by default, and think outside of the box to extend on it. Maybe it doesn't have a toggle, or a live-toggle. maybe you can re-order the listing, .. I am sure you can come up with a few things to not really stay a-head of Kier/Mike, but more to compliment what they do.

It's great to see XenForo getting better by the day and Kier and Mike listening to customer requests.

I was just having a little fun with Kier for finally giving in on this one as he was quite set on keeping those buttons on the sidebar without a surrounding box.

Already added a few toggles to integrate it with Sociable or keeping them as two separate blocks.... but at this stage I'm pretty much feature complete for the initial release... there is always 1.1, 1.2 for adding more candies.

Can't wait to see what RC2 is going to bring to the table.

Have a good weekend buddy

screen-capture.webp screen-capture-1.webp
I have relented. The phrase 'Share This Page' is of use.

View attachment 10096

what is the "Share This Page" actually doing at the users Profile-Page?
I mean: what happens when clicking on it ?

Is the User suggested to my friends at Facebook? Is the user´s Facebook-Profile recommended to my Facebook-friends ? Is the User-Profile shared?

How does this work ?
what is the "Share This Page" actually doing at the users Profile-Page?
I mean: what happens when clicking on it ?

Is the User suggested to my friends at Facebook? Is the user´s Facebook-Profile recommended to my Facebook-friends ? Is the User-Profile shared?

How does this work ?
It shares a link to your XF profile:

XF Profile Share.webp
Sorry to open up a really old thread but I looked around quite a bit here (forum/resource manager) and in the help pages etc. and could not find what I am looking for...

We recently moved to XenForo from VBulletin and was looking for some kind of social block (sidebar or bottom), with the usual Twitter/Facebook/YouTube buttons (follow me) and ran into this thread where Miko showed us a few screenshots that do exactly what I want...

My question is, what is currently the best way todo so ?
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