Social Groups by Waindigo [Paid] [Deleted]

I'll be watching this resource until it can be used on large forums without so much server strain. Afterwards, I will purchase.
There are now no reported issues with performance.

Could anyone comment on whether all group forum activity shows up in the "what's new" section? If so, does this tie in with waindigo's select "what's new" addon? Or better yet, does "what's new" only include the groups a person is a member of?
At the moment, what's new can either be turned on for all threads or off for all threads, and this functionality also extends to the Ignore What's New add-on. However, it is not possible to only show threads of social forums of which you are a member right now.

When you go to any member profile page who is not a member of any group, the Social Forum tab will display "Loading".
Shouldn't it better to not display this tab for members who do not join any group, which is the majority?
This is a bug. I will look into it.

Disable all permision for all usergroups except View Node, Request to join
Set permissions in this Addon settings for Social Group members & Moderators.
Thanks for pointing this out. If anyone can think of a better approach for this, I am up for ideas. But I think that this way offers the most flexibility so that administrators can decide how open (or not) they want their groups to be.

Also as someone who purchased this.. Some input on ideas on how to make some of the $30.00 back from my community :) I'd like to see in usergroup settings "can make groups require approval to join" (if this is set to no, then groups can be joined without moderator approval first), "can make groups private" and for create groups rather then just yes or no it should be 0 for no and amount instead of yes.. so a registered user can create one group, while a premium membership can create set amount defined via usergroup setting along with ability to have to receive approval to join or even make the group private.
Nice idea, but you will have to invest more to get more return here, but should be quite an easy job. Please contact me if you are interested.

Sales of this add-on have been very slow (perhaps because of the performance issues bug). This add-on will only grow if people contribute, but this doesn't always mean you have to give more financially -- you could encourage other members to buy and they might then contribute to new features (which you can then use). If you like this add-on so far, please post a review on the Resource Manager, and lets see this add-on grow into something really great!!
Is it possible to change the default /social-categories/ and /social-forums/ routes on this addon?

When I create a social node and set the url portion to "groups", I'd like to make to be

or alternatively, when I create a group, it will show as
Can I change it to that is to change the route social-forums to /groups/ and be able to edit set the url of the group and remove the ID.

Forgot to answer this one. I recommend this add-on:
I just noticed that now, a line of copyright appears at the bottom of my forum saying
Certain XenForo add-ons by Waindigo ™ ©2011-2012 Waindigo Limited
I have the Xenatendo More addon which I uninstalled. I paid for this social group addon. Why is this copyright there?
Previously we hid the copyright using CSS (this is probably the case for XenAtendo More), but a number of users complained that this was bad for SEO, so the default is now to show the copyright, although you are welcome to move it or hide it with CSS. You can either do this manually or with the following add-on:

If you would like to remove it completely, please contact me.
Previously we hid the copyright using CSS (this is probably the case for XenAtendo More), but a number of users complained that this was bad for SEO, so the default is now to show the copyright, although you are welcome to move it or hide it with CSS. You can either do this manually or with the following add-on:

If you would like to remove it completely, please contact me.
Even we pay $30 for this addon, we have no option to remove the copyright?
I don't remember this being mentioned before people purchase this. If it is, I would think twice before paying for this.

And now to hide this using CSS, we have to install yet another addon from you? I'm not sure I see the logic behind this. I have no problem if this is a free addon which it is not, or this info is being mentioned.
Even we pay $30 for this addon, we have no option to remove the copyright?
I don't remember this being mentioned before people purchase this. If it is, I would think twice before paying for this.

And now to hide this using CSS, we have to install yet another addon from you? I'm not sure I see the logic behind this. I have no problem if this is a free addon which it is not, or this info is being mentioned.
You don't have to download this add-on. You can quite easily hide it by adding the following line to your EXTRA.CSS:
#waindigoCopyrightNotice { display: none; }

The only thing that you are not allowed to do is delete it.
You don't have to download this add-on. You can quite easily hide it by adding the following line to your EXTRA.CSS:
#waindigoCopyrightNotice { display: none; }

The only thing that you are not allowed to do is delete it.
Thanks for the info.
You should update the description of this addon to mention this policy as many people will not expect to see an extra copyright on their site for pay addons. I was under that same impression after I installed the original version and did not see any copyright text but now realize it is always there but you hide it with CSS.

Licence and support:

The $30 licence fee is for non-commercial use only. Please contact Waindigo to licence for commercial use. All references to Waindigo must remain intact if add-on is redistributed.

Limited free technical support is provided through this community only. Paid technical support is also available, including the addition of new features.
I don't like the copyright notice too. And installing an addon to remove it is a bad thing too.
It's so bad, Waindigo. I'm thinking to remove this addon.
Same here. I'm thinking the same thing even I already paid for it.
It just gives me a bad experience.
This is not the first pay addon or the most expensive one that I paid here and I don't remember any addon that I have any similar issue. For donate-addon/styles like Jaxel's or Flexile, I just simply donate the amount the author request and remove the footnote.
Sales of this add-on have been very slow (perhaps because of the performance issues bug).

Maybe if you added more of the features and ideas requested as default rather then "invest more in this add-on to have it added" you'd sell more.. Your only going to make what your willing to put in to it. Currently, it lacks a LOT that should be default features, has major performance issues and a copy write footer no one was made aware would appear before purchased and now want more money to fully remove. Before you want us to invest even more in this add-on, please first make it worth the $30.00 we already paid. Until features are added that many of us requested and performance issues are addressed, this is an expensive test board add-on.
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