Social Connect (for Facebook and Twitter) [Deleted]

@Chris Deeming
I had the chance to install your add-on. At this moment I feel there are 2 feature missing:

1) letting the administrator decide which board forums to allow to be advertised on social networks;
2) when a thread is created, let the user decide if (s)he wants to advertise it

Other then that, it feels great, though I still have issue linking it to the Facebook graph. But I am sure that once I find some time I'll manage to do it.
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It already works in XenForo 1.3.
Yes it is compatible with 1.3 however there are some things that would vastly improve user experience.

The biggest one would be to combine the 'external accounts' and 'social connect' page and possibly the way they work. I am quite sure as a member of a site I wouldn't connect all my external accounts & then go and do it again on the social connect page, it just makes the site seem a little untrustworthy. I can actually visualise people using the site thinking why does it want my social profiles twice?

With the way things are going people put a lot into their social account(s) and protect them too, so with a site that asks for the info twice would trigger alarm bells even in the most avid web users.

Nevertheless thank you for a great resource.
I just re enabled this addon and now since I've been on xen 1.3 when I go to link my twitter account I'm getting a screen that says "SSL is required" Don't think it ever happened before 1.3. @Chris D any ideas?
I think Twitter may have changed something as Friend Inviter is subject to the same issue.

I think the fix is adding a single character in either a template or a PHP file. I'll let you know.
I think Twitter may have changed something as Friend Inviter is subject to the same issue.

I think the fix is adding a single character in either a template or a PHP file. I'll let you know.

Jst got the email about xen 1.3.1

  • Allow Twitter-related HTTP requests to be sent via cURL if SSL support is not built into PHP
Would that square away this issue with twitter and ssl?
Probably not, no.

Try this:

Find the file, library/SocialConnect/ControllerPublic/Account.php

Around Line 35, you will see:
$authoriseUri = "$tokens[oauth_token]";

Change it to:
$authoriseUri = "$tokens[oauth_token]";

(It changes http:// to https://)

Could you let me know if that fixes your problem?
Yup that did it. Nice. Thanks Chris. Hey, do you have any plans to integrate this with the new external accounts page? Seems like the natural progression. Couldn't you use the social integration built in to xenforo and skip this linking button stuff?
There would possibly need to be an element of duplication. By default XF only asks for the permissions and data it needs social connect needs additional permissions such as the ability to post to your feeds automatically.

Also it may reduce the number of people willing to sign up if they get asked for permission for you to post on their feed. Not everyone will want that.
Oh I see what you mean. Well you could have the social connect buttons on the external accounts page anyway. It just makes more sense to keep them together. Less clutter. And maybe instead of "Link to Twitter" it could say 'Post to Twitter'? Because right next to it would be the Twitter integration that the user just got finished setting up. Streamline it. And you could lose the 'Social Connect' link in the visitor dropdown.
Oh and is there any way you could add the option to only send status updates from the users OWN page? Doesn't make any sense to have social connect sending a tweet or whatever when I leave a message on another members profile page.
There would possibly need to be an element of duplication. By default XF only asks for the permissions and data it needs social connect needs additional permissions such as the ability to post to your feeds automatically.

It's worth noting that xfrocks Social Share doesnt have any duplication. It uses the xenforo integration. Not saying its better but I do own both of these addons and I'm leaning more towards yours because I only need to post to twitter.
It may do, but it may also be requesting extended permissions. e.g. At the moment if you register through Facebook there's a notice that says "We will not post on your timeline on your behalf" (or similar). Presumably with Social Share, it has to imply that actually they are granting permission for you to post on their feed on your behalf. I wasn't saying it isn't possible. I'm saying it's probably not preferable. If I was registering on a site and it told me I was granting permission for them to post stuff on my timeline, I'd probably not register there.
I agree. I'm cool with another button in the external accounts page. And the option to disable the tweet on other members' profile pages like I said above. That one right there is super annoying. If you have no desire to implement that, is there a way I can hack it off?
Obviously the External Accounts page has only just begun to exist. I do agree that is a better home for it. It will get implemented at some point.
And I almost forgot. A feature that would be really nice would be if we could click on the Fb & Twitter icons under the status update to toggle them on or off. Was this ever a feature in this addon? I thought it was but I see now it doesnt work that way.
I did have the code written for that but it was a bit buggy. When I get back around to Social Connect I'll re-do it and include it in the next version.
I'm getting an error with this app now when I try to make a profile post from a socially connected account:
The following error occurred:

Undefined index: status
XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in SocialConnect/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage/ProfilePost.php at line 81
SocialConnect_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_ProfilePost->_messagePostSave() in *******/Credits/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage/ProfilePost.php at line 26
*******_Credits_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_ProfilePost->_messagePostSave() in XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php at line 590
XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_postSave() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1409
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in XenForo/Model/UserProfile.php at line 284
XenForo_Model_UserProfile->updateStatus() in XenForo/ControllerPublic/Member.php at line 1235
XenForo_ControllerPublic_Member->actionPost() in Merc/ProfileCompletion/ControllerPublic/Member.php at line 7
Merc_ProfileCompletion_ControllerPublic_Member->actionPost() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carpedie/public_html/index.php at line 13

EDIT: It's only caused when debug is on.
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