So.... what is the word on the new signature restrictions/rules?

Hey wait, all signatures are gone except mine?

It probably has to run through them sequentially. I'm 90% sure that signatures are stored with your user record, and doing commands like that on thousands of users at once will turn out badly. Batch process by 500 makes it work and all that fun stuff.
On a side note, I actually did the purge through the batch user update system in the control panel. Took longer than a straight query obviously, but it handles whatever cache updates are needed too.

Called it. :D (See previous post of mine explaining EXACTLY that process. lol)
On a side note, I actually did the purge through the batch user update system in the control panel. Took longer than a straight query obviously, but it handles whatever cache updates are needed too.

That was fun.. look at how the community pulled together to support the people who couldn't handle the panic... we should purge things more often.. can we purge some members next? :D

Which ones? I call for a purge of all members than haven't logged in for 2 months... I wanna know how many there are ;)

(How many are there?)
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