Promo Codes

If I will buy AdManager 1.5 but I'm running XF2, will I be able to upgrade for free to XF2 version when it will be available? Or you will release XF2 version before Christmas and this promo code will be valid for it?
Thanks @Siropu.Extended Ads manager.
So, when Ads Manager 2 will be released I will get licence for that too (same date expiring as Ads Manager 1).

Also, Ads manager 2 will be upgradeable from 1?
Disable Ads Manager 1, upgrade xenforo to version 2 and then upgrade ads manager 1 to version 2? Correct steps?
Also, all settings, ads... from 1 will be keep during upgrading to version 2?
Ads manager 2 will be upgradeable from 1?

Disable Ads Manager 1, upgrade xenforo to version 2 and then upgrade ads manager 1 to version 2? Correct steps?
I think XF1 add-ons are automatically disabled when upgrading to XF2. Once you copy Ads Manager 2 to your server, it will have the option to upgrade.

Also, all settings, ads... from 1 will be keep during upgrading to version 2?
Thanks for the coupon, mate. Will be using it today.

Just found a small bug into your site: If I add a item to cart after adding the coupon, the disccount isn't applied. We have to add the coupon again :)
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