Implemented Single Sign On (Connect XF with XF, WordPress, etc)


Well-known member
It would be really awesome if we would be able to connect multiple XF installs. Or a XF install with Wordpress, Magento, MediaWiki, etc.
Members would be able to use multiple sites and scripts with the same login or while they keep being logged in.

XF 2.1 has a REST API. Please extend this to OAuth (Open Authentication)

Remarks from the REST API suggestion thread:
- Remote user authentication by calling direct to the authentication system without having to reload or redirect people

There is still no outside script that can say "Log this user into XenForo". All the APIs I've seen require you to pass the login/email and password. Well, what if I don't have/store their password? Or what if I don't want to store the user's password in XenForo's database? What if I don't want to send that information across a domain? I should be able to have an outside script just TELL XenForo "user with e-mail address X should now be considered logged in!"

If you want to read just how painful it currently is to integrate XenForo with a third-party script that will be handling all the authentication, read here:
I can only imagine the explosion of apps and third-party integrations that would be released...

It would be so cool to see what gets built. And OAuth authentication... ah, the possibilities!
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I've been trying to find something like this for ages for XenForo but it's still missing, asked for advice from addon makers only to have no response to questions.

This feature is a must for our site, we use multiple servers and wish to connect XenForo with Mediawiki/Wordpress and so on using the XenForo userbase. We can't put these on the same server for security so an SSO / API option would be great.

Please add this to XF 2.1.x
It may make sense for people to understand the difference between "single sign on" and "same sign on". Which one are you asking for?

One of my current clients was very proud that all of their systems offered "single sign on". Nope. They all offered "same sign on". Which was great. Every system used the same set of credentials to gain access. And retained login credentials for "awhile" so that you did not have to relogin to every system every day.

In general Single Sign On solutions are very very complex: SAML is a real pain

Same Sign On is much much easier to achieve.

Which one does your users need? Does your client understand the difference? What do they need?

Same Sign On between Moodle an XF is a trivial modification to a co-existing Moodle system. No changes required on XF as it is the master as far as Moodle is concerned. But in reality Same Sign On allows a pyramid of credentials. Each system is aware of a single upstream system that validates credentials.

ping me if you have questions...
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This is really needed to take XF to the next level in terms of functionality when combining with external websites.. SSO, auto create user on XF, member sync etc.

This is really needed to take XF to the next level in terms of functionality when combining with external websites.. SSO, auto create user on XF, member sync etc.


Would be best if it allows exporting the registration / login page backbone. Because some of us may have addons that modify the login / registration pages , so funnelling all logins/registrations through there is essential.
In my opinion, it is inconvenient to use xenforo and other vulnerable infrastructures together.

If I want to set up a portal, xenforo has xenpotal. Why should I create an open door with another vulnerable system?

To me, xenforo is a very reliable and sufficient system. It does not need to be used with other systems and support.
In 2017 I implemented a SAML plugin for Xenforo 1.5 for a customer and contacted with Xero team to see if there were some interest to agree on some partnership, but they weren't interested. It had SSO, SLO, auto-provisioning.

I'm a SAML expert and implemented SAML integrations for Magento, Moodle, Wordpress, Limesurvey, OsTicket, SugarCRM, Piwik, Drupal, ...

It is 2020 and I believe an SSO feature is crucial for many companies, to allow them to connect Xenforo with its SAML Identity Provider.

If there is interest, I can work on a new extension for Xenforo2 and sell it. but I need to know how many are interested in such extension
and also, what do you think is an affordable price for such extension.
It seems there are no reliable bridges available for XF2 <-> Wordpress, so this is badly needed.

@RallyFan that free bridge you linked to does not work. I tried it and it crashed my server the moment I installed it, it didn't even have time to do any API calls!
It seems there are no reliable bridges available for XF2 <-> Wordpress, so this is badly needed.

@RallyFan that free bridge you linked to does not work. I tried it and it crashed my server the moment I installed it, it didn't even have time to do any API calls!
You said that there is no reliable bridge for wordpress, you were wrong. Let me show you a xenforo wordpress compatibility.

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