Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

How do we make the forms Visable? Ive look in every option I've tried making new forum topics/threads ECT and havent seen anything. please help
How do we make the forms Visable? Ive look in every option I've tried making new forum topics/threads ECT and havent seen anything. please help
When you make a form and you give rights to a group the link show up in the header
How do we make the forms Visable? Ive look in every option I've tried making new forum topics/threads ECT and havent seen anything. please help

Hello Ablac,

If you mean the "Forms" tab in the header you can make this visible on a usergroup level. Head into your usergroup permissions and scroll towards the bottom for "View Forms Tab". Set that to yes for any usergroup you would like to see that tab.

Now if you wish to see a form you have created in the "Forms" tab, you must make sure it is active, has form fields and a destination option. Please open a ticket if you need further assistance.
Simple Forms 1.1.0 Preview
Oh yes, we are working hard on 1.1.0 and here are a few screenshots just to tease you guys. We have no ETA on 1.1.0 but it will be soon, don't worry we haven't gone anywhere. Also there are quite a few bug fixes in this release along with some small enhancements. Here are a couple of the big ones!

Import & Export Your Forms
You can now easily backup your forms or duplicate your forms. It's so easy and we know you'll love it!

Manage Your Forms Responses
One of the limitations of Simple Forms 1.0.0 was that your responses were just stuck there. Now you can edit and delete your responses in order to clean up your CSV exports.

WYSIWYG Editor Field
One of the most requested features has been to add a WYSIWYG Editor onto your forms. It's now simple to add as many as you want.
Simple Forms 1.1.0 Preview
Oh yes, we are working hard on 1.1.0 and here are a few screenshots just to tease you guys. We have no ETA on 1.1.0 but it will be soon, don't worry we haven't gone anywhere. Also there are quite a few bug fixes in this release along with some small enhancements. Here are a couple of the big ones!

Import & Export Your Forms
You can now easily backup your forms or duplicate your forms. It's so easy and we know you'll love it!
View attachment 23647
View attachment 23648

Manage Your Forms Responses
One of the limitations of Simple Forms 1.0.0 was that your responses were just stuck there. Now you can edit and delete your responses in order to clean up your CSV exports.
View attachment 23649
View attachment 23650
View attachment 23651

WYSIWYG Editor Field
One of the most requested features has been to add a WYSIWYG Editor onto your forms. It's now simple to add as many as you want.
View attachment 23652

You are my hero. Hero of the day!

Really thanks for the WYSIWYG! It would be awesome to have the default value in later versions. Anyway, really BIG thanks again for this feature!

Uhm, and I've got one question - is it possible to hide Forms from the upper menu? I want users to be able to add plugins only form button I'll hardcode in the template..
Apparently the price has increased. I would purchase at $15. Not sure I would at $25.

The pricing structure changed due to many potential clients being unhappy with the software being encrypted. To off-set the costs we raised the pricing but made the software unencrypted for future developers. Sorry the pricing puts you off, but we believe it's a fair price.
Thanks for the clarification. I saw on the front page what the price was, and when I went to purchase it showed a different price structure.
I'll think on it. Will you continue offering support for the long term?
Thanks for the clarification. I saw on the front page what the price was, and when I went to purchase it showed a different price structure.
I'll think on it. Will you continue offering support for the long term?

It's very hard to predict what happens in the future, but there are no plans for this to be a short-term commitment. We are looking at offering long-term solutions so long as XenForo is around. :)
How is this mod different than using a free embedded google form? If you just want to run a survey or collect responses or feedback seems like that would be an easy option. I see that this addon submits it as a thread or post so I am curious how people are using it, so I can see the value of this and what the possibilities for using it are.
How is this mod different than using a free embedded google form? If you just want to run a survey or collect responses or feedback seems like that would be an easy option. I see that this addon submits it as a thread or post so I am curious how people are using it, so I can see the value of this and what the possibilities for using it are.

Here are a couple of example on how I am using it:
Ill give you the Form with where it gets posted at :)
and there are tons of more that have been implemented on DwD Forums. It is far more superior then Google forms!
So in the new version, can a user submit attachments, specifically media like images and videos? If not this thing is pretty useless.
So in the new version, can a user submit attachments, specifically media like images and videos? If not this thing is pretty useless.

Interesting...I suppose I must apologize to all those people using our useless product. It's amazing to me the arrogance of some people. If you don't want to use the product and don't find it useful then by all means do not purchase/download it. You have that right, but you don't have the right to bad-mouth a product you do not own or use.

And yes, 1.1.0 will have the attachment system included. I was just going to create my Preview Part II post before I was so rudely interrupted...
Interesting...I suppose I must apologize to all those people using our useless product. It's amazing to me the arrogance of some people. If you don't want to use the product and don't find it useful then by all means do not purchase/download it. You have that right, but you don't have the right to bad-mouth a product you do not own or use.

And yes, 1.1.0 will have the attachment system included. I was just going to create my Preview Part II post before I was so rudely interrupted...
Actually I have used the lite version of this add-on and was giving my "arrogant" feedback based on your arrogant reasoning for steep pricing though your current product offers no features you cannot find on free plugins found elsewhere. You need some thicker skin if a reasonable critique of your product or pricing upsets you. Business 101 would have taught you to turn someone that is criticizing a lack of features into a sale with good customer service and a preview of the feature they are wanting.
Actually I have used the lite version of this add-on and was giving my "arrogant" feedback based on your arrogant reasoning for steep pricing though your current product offers no features you cannot find on free plugins found elsewhere. You need some thicker skin if a reasonable critique of your product or pricing upsets you. Business 101 would have taught you to turn someone that is criticizing a lack of features into a sale with good customer service and a preview of the feature they are wanting.
That's quite enough.

Provide feedback by all means, but do not berate a developer for how they choose to price and market their add-on.

Kier has made this stance quite clear in the past:
Actually I have used the lite version of this add-on and was giving my "arrogant" feedback based on your arrogant reasoning for steep pricing though your current product offers no features you cannot find on free plugins found elsewhere. You need some thicker skin if a reasonable critique of your product or pricing upsets you. Business 101 would have taught you to turn someone that is criticizing a lack of features into a sale with good customer service and a preview of the feature they are wanting.

Nothing about your response is a critique my friend. I have been through the critiquing process and been apart of quite a few business ventures. A critique does not constitute calling a product useless. Maybe, this product does meet my needs without the attachment functionality. That says to me, okay this person needs that feature and it's important to include that in a future release...thus leading to my next 1.1.0 preview post.

If you don't like the pricing of the product then that is fine and of course your right to not purchase. But quite a few people found it to be fair in exchange for having an open-source product that can be easily shared and pirated. It's a risk we took after listening to a lot of feedback. I believe we have a good track-record to listening to critical feedback and responding appropriately. However, nothing about your feedback was appropriate.

I would also like know what free form software exists for XenForo currently?
Just ignore when someone posts like that. Brogan will always get them straight away I have found. If you reply you just find yourself getting worked up about them.

I got the pro version and found it a very good buy.
I'm using the Pro version and find it valuable as well, without attachments. For me, attachments are useless. But I'm not going to cry if LP spends time coding them in for people that they are useful for. Mellow.
By any chance is there an ETA on Version 1.1.0.

No rush just super excited for the new features and bug fixes.
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