Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc)

Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid] 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($55.00)
I was looking at the demo and I noticed that there isn't a meta description for each of the showcase items. Wouldn't that be bad for SEO?
If it would get autogenerated I would say none meta description is better. If you write it your own, it could boost a bit. If there is none, google trys to get something that fits, this isn´t always that good. In my opinion it is more about inspiringe the user to click with a good meta description. And keep in mind, google may give the site another meta description for certain keywords.
Is it okay to purchased this now and the brand free later or is it like XenForo that if you purchase the Brand Free, you can download an already unbranded version?
Is it okay to purchased this now and the brand free later or is it like XenForo that if you purchase the Brand Free, you can download an already unbranded version?

Yes, you can purchase a branding removal license at a later time as it is a license only (no files) and requires a Showcase License.
Any possibility for adding ratings to categories? Or having parent items? Take Netflix, for example. You have a TV series (parent item), with multiple children (episodes). You don't want to rate each episode, you want to rate the entire series. Anything like that possible?
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