Show us your XF

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Thanks. Just playing around with the software and styling. Will be working on the style soon. Now i need to find members :D
Didn't see us added on the list yet ;)
My mistake. The way you phrased the original point sounded as if you wanted to toggle your activity status, something I only offer via PM. I've added your site in the appropriate list location based on your original post. :)

A sister site to designed for younger collectors. I will buy another license and move my other site to xenForo when the Rewrite Ebay Links and an Album mod with converter is released.

Added. :)
#68 on the list.
ah there it is! I looked and looked after Jake posted that it was there. Perhaps I need new glasses....
My site, Xbox Zone, will be released soon. Pre-register with your email address if you're interested. :) (#7 on list.)
I didn't mean it like that. I'm terribly sorry if that sounded offensive. :(
oh no no no no noooo. No offense taken at all. I knew you were playing, and my reply is meant to be playful as well.
Perhaps another smiley would have been better. I'm sorry!
oh no no no no noooo. No offense taken at all. I knew you were playing, and my reply is meant to be playful as well.
Perhaps another smiley would have been better. I'm sorry!
Haha, no problem. I'm kinda tired right now. My fault entirely. :p
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