Show Deleted

Show Deleted 2.4

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Is there a possibility of adding show delete of profile post as well? This would be very helpful to clean the database ;)

I'm running 2.1 on XF 1.5.10 and the "delete threads" and "delete posts" links don't seem to be working. They just refresh the page. I used it before on a previous version with no problem.

Anyone else having issues?
I'm running 2.1 on XF 1.5.10 and the "delete threads" and "delete posts" links don't seem to be working. They just refresh the page. I used it before on a previous version with no problem.

Anyone else having issues?
Actually - it seems like maybe it worked partially for deleting soft delete threads, but not individual posts. That's okay though. Just like to clean the soft delete stuff from the SPAM cleaner.
I am having a problem with this. I am able to delete posts, but for threads i get this error

"The requested post could not be found" after i clicked on "delete 1564 threads"

it was working several months ago, i just noticed it stopped working, im not sure why i can't delete the soft deleted threads anymore, i used to be able to
I think it stopped working 2 or 3 updates ago, i hope andy updates this add-on, it's a good add-on to easily delete soft-deleted posts and thread
What's new with 2.2?

It only says to do a complete uninstall before installing. But I guess there must be some fixes or new features?

The earlier version works completely fine for me, so just wondering if there is a real need to update?
Feature request:

Would like a checkbox option to delete only selected threads, preferably with a select all option so that the ones you want to keep for a while could be easily unchecked.
What's new with 2.2?

It only says to do a complete uninstall before installing. But I guess there must be some fixes or new features?

The earlier version works completely fine for me, so just wondering if there is a real need to update?

v2.1 has been working for me just fine.

It would be nice to know what was updated in v2.2 so I know whether or not I want to upgrade to the latest version.
It would be nice to have a Show Deleted link within particular forums so that I could see all of the deleted threads within a given forum/board. That's what I need.
Excellent add-on, Andy. Your ability to create small utilities that make running a forum easier is admirable. You should consider releasing an AndyB Toolbox package, if you haven't already.
i delete ~15000 posts, 5000 per delete.
and now i have 10000 posts more but cant delete.
Module show error
The existing data required by the data writer could not be found.
Are you soft deleting or hard deleting? Can you delete with the addon disabled? What is the error shown in the browser console when you try to delete?
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