Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey v2.2.10

No permission to download
Some include code in the post is hard to read...
Thank you for a nice style.
Okay, try this and let me know if it looks better
  • Go to the AdminCP > Appearance > Styles > Shades of Grey (Cream Accent) - Templates
  • Search for "extra.less" using search
  • Place this code at the top and save
/*  Code font color change  */
            color: rgb(255, 179, 102) !important;

            color: rgb(102, 179, 255) !important;

            color: rgb(125, 255, 102) !important;

            color: rgb(154, 140, 242) !important;

            color: rgb(240, 128, 255) !important;

            color: rgb(102, 179, 255) !important;

            color: rgb(231, 126, 126) !important;

            color: rgb(130, 227, 130) !important;

            color: rgb(241, 116, 116) !important;

            color: rgb(146, 237, 200) !important;

            color: rgb(128, 128, 255) !important;

            color: rgb(102, 179, 255) !important;

            color: rgb(128, 128, 255) !important;
            color: rgb(102, 179, 255) !important;
Last edited:
I posted before but it probably wasn't clear. For my other style I'm using I have changed my like reaction sprite to be a black thumbs up. As such it doesn't appear on Shades of Grey. I tried changing the background color of .reactionsbar, but it still didn't show correctly.

Is there a way to use a different sprite for reactions per style?

If not, any advice on how to modify shades of grey so that my like shows?

Gator updated Shades of Grey with a new update entry:

XenForo 2.1 Edition | Shades of Grey v1.3

Hello, everyone

At first glance, it may look the same as the previous version, but it is not ...Well, not exactly, anyway. I took time to further blend the colors and shades to make it look the best I could. I also moved much of the CSS into the style properties area so as to make the "extra.less" file less crowded. :)

I hope you all enjoy the style, and as always, if you any issues, please let me know so I can make it right.


-Gator (Larry K.)

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Gator updated Shades of Grey with a new update entry:

XenForo 2.1 Edition | Shades of Grey v1.4

Small update, but an important one. @imno007 discovered that while typing/creating "Tags", the text was hard to see. The text was made white.

If you don't wish to re-download and install the update, you can add the following code to your "extra.less" file to fix the problem.

Go to:
AdminCP > Appearance > Styles > Shades of Grey (Cream accent) - Templates
> and search for the "extra.less" file and add the following code...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I love this style! I think it has a lot of potential. Thanks for sharing it with the community!

I just wanted to ask you mr @Gator , how can i remove the "new thread" bar? cons.webp
I just wanted to ask you mr @Gator , how can i remove the "new thread" bar?
That is part of the XenForo software implementation, and not part of my style. You should address this issue here:
Hey @Gator, this looks great, but we're having trouble getting the CSS to actually work.


Do you know what's happening here? From my layman's perspective it seems the styles in all the headers and footers are messed up.

Post/message pane content itself, however, is fine.
Gator updated Shades of Grey with a new update entry:

Shades of Grey v2.1.3.0

I noticed the buttons on the user profile card did not have a background color, so I added a medium grey background with a green hover as shown below (watch video). Previous versions did not show a background in this area.

Aslo, I added a new schema for versioning. The first 3 numbers identify the XenForo version the style was created/saved with, and the last number represent which version of Shades of Grey goes was saved to that style

Example: XenForo version: [COLOR=rgb(41...[/quote]

Read the rest of this update entry...
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