RM 2.2 Setting resource icon automatically depending from content type or custom field?


Active member
When adding a resource one can upload an icon for it. This proves to be pretty useless in practice, at least to me, as nobody does it and it does not add value. Structuring resources in general is limited to categories for one and prefixes as a second option. One can use tags as a third option but again only few people on my forum are using them, so this is not reliable and barely anyone understands that and how to use tags for seaching or finding content.

I do have a constantly growing number of resources that I need to structure and it turns out I need the categories to do that. The resources are also different types of content like i.e. videos, pdfs or articles and howtos inside the resource text field. Until now I've used categories for both: content structuring as well as content types - just that with a growing number of resources this does not scale and it makes searching for a certain content cumbersome as it could be in a variety of categories.

It would be great if users could identify what kind of content type a resource has in list view already. As I do need prefixes for structuring as well I could use a plugin that enables multiple prefixes to set the content type, but using the resource icon seems a smarter option to me as it is visual, there already and unused.

Just that there is no option for a content library for standard icons plus the lack to make them mandatory.

So the idea would be to use a mandtory custom field (prefilled pulldown) for setting the content type and then have the resource manager automatically use the icon for that content type. Boom, job done, goal achieved.

Just that I find no way to achieve this. Does anyone know a way to do something like that or a plugin that does the job?

Bonus: Would also be good having the ability to search for the content type as defined in the custom field (like i.e. video) which atm is not possible as well as to my knowledge.
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