[SCC] Minecraft Server Status [Deleted]

How difficult would it be, to make it possible to add multiple servers?
Just like the Herocraft add-on could.
@Jogib I'm missing the knowledge required to make dynamic menus within XenForo (the kind that allow you to add extra servers and whatnot), but from a standpoint of my code that powers the add-on, it would be fairly quick/easy.
So, how do I get this usable with XenPorta? It shows on my forum list, but I can't get it added to my availiable XenPorta widgets.
Hi! Just a quick update!

Integrated mode no longer works for the latest version of BungeeCord (which added compatibility for 1.9). Same error as Zaino60.

Switching to McAPI works, but - due to the way it queries the server - is unreliable and will eventually cause BungeeCord to stop accepting connections with the error:
io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: accept() failed: Too many open files

I have disabled the add-on for now, but I love this add-on and will be holding my breath for the update that fixes Integrated mode.
@Adam K M
Hey, I just want to make a quick suggestion. I have no idea how hard it would be to implement, but it would be quite useful imo.

So, I have the plugin and widget working perfectly on a MC 1.10.2 server (using McAPI).
But the thing is, I have two servers, and would like to display both on my website.

Would it be possible to add multi-server support? So I can display both servers on the website?
Thanks for all of the posts, guys. I'm no longer actively developing this add-on, and am looking forward to someone picking it up from me.

If you are interested in maintaining and coding the add-on, please private message me, so that we can get something worked out.
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