s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Quick heads-up about embedding content from other XenForo forums. Since it seems that future versions of XenForo may use something similar, I'm going to look into using a different format for the markup used for that media site, something that would be more compatible with possible changes in future XenForo versions. In simpler(?) terms, it means that instead of something like this:
I might use something like this:
Or maybe even something else. If those changes happen before XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 starts seeing some adoption, I will not provide backwards compatibility for the earlier format, meaning that those embedded posts will have to be manually reposted.

That's why if you have installed XenForo 2.3 and you are actively embedding content from other XenForo websites, please let me know. Only then will I consider providing some backward compatibility.
@JoshyPHP - as one that has not yet played with the 2.3 Beta, can you tell us if this XF media embed requires the XF source site to explicitly allow embed permission in order for this to work? Ie. does the source XF site need to:
  • allow embeds globally
  • allow embeds specifically for your site
  • do nothing - embed is enabled by default
As far as I can tell, the XF 2.3 admin just has to check a box and everything that's public becomes embeddable by any website. The option's name is allowExternalEmbed and its description is as follow:
☑ Allow external embedding of content
Content can be embedded via embed.php which allows guest-viewable content to be viewed externally. Uncheck this option to turn this off. This will also disable embed code in sharing options and the oEmbed endpoint.
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I've seen it mentioned before but I can't find it either so it might have been in another forum. (similar versions of this add-on exist on other forum software)

As I recall, Peertube is a software for decentralized/federated video hosting. Assuming you're familiar with it, what are the most popular instances? Is there a specific instance you're looking for? Are you willing to sponsor this addition by paying for some or all of the development costs?

I'll try to take a look at it next week.
What's the original BleacherReport URL?

Apparently BleacherReport have deleted their embedded player, which returns a 404 error. I don't know whether it's intentional or an accident on their part. The URL for the player is still present on the page source but is not made visible to the user.
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JoshyPHP updated s9e Media Sites with a new update entry:

Removed BleacherReport. Updated Imgur

BleacherReport's embedded player has apparently disappeared and currently returns a 404 error. To my knowledge, there is no workaround. If you use a custom [URL] BBCode to display media content, the broken videos will revert to a link. Otherwise, they will simply disappear.

Imgur has been updated to avoid incorrectly converting https://imgur.com/upload to a non-functional embed.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Are they offering embed code now coz I can't see on my account. Plus eventually this would also need to support mastodon style multi domain capability...
As far as I can tell, Bluesky does not provide a way to embed their content in an iframe. There are third party applications that allow embedding content from bsky.social but they usually don't support custom (non-bsky.social) instances.

Currently I'm waiting for Bluesky to officially enable that kind of embedding. They certainly already have most of the infrastructure ready so it seems like a deliberate choice to me; I'm wary of hacking together some kind of makeshift solution to embed Bluesky posts only to see it disappear a few months later when they decide to keep it a walled garden.
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Another site request: audio.com. They have a pretty extensive embed toolset, including buttons for X and FB, but I'm not able to make any of the options work in XenForo.

Here's the link to a sample file: https://audio.com/decibelphantomx/audio/ukulele-melody

And here's its embed code:

<div style="height: 228px; width: 600px;"><iframe src="https://audio.com/embed/audio/1795029248044753?theme=image" style="display:block; border-radius: 6px; border: none; height: 204px; width: 600px;"></iframe><a href='https://audio.com/decibelphantomx' style="text-align: center; display: block; color: #A4ABB6; font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 16px; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;">@decibelphantomx</a></div>

Thanks for any thoughts you have! I love this add-on!
@TimWilson I've looked into audio.com but I don't see a lot of organic sharing on Reddit or other social websites. So I'm going to have to decline for now unless you want to sponsor its addition. If that's the case, you can send me a direct message and I'll give you a quote asap.

Judging by the embed code, if you want to create a custom media site for yourself you'll need to retrieve the song's ID from audio.com's server, either via a custom PHP script or by using oEmbed. If you ask in the general support forum, someone may be able to assist you.
So, this is a weird issue. I understand 2.3 is in beta and I cannot expect to get support for the addon on 2.3 (though it seems to be supported lol).

Anyways. On 2.2, I had a manually created dark theme and twitter embeds somehow appears in dark mode on that theme. Members of my forum who use dark theme reported today that the adaptive dark mode on 2.3 default theme does not show twitter embeds in dark mode. It appears in regular white background.

Now, I do not exactly remember if I changed some style property on 2.2 dark theme which loads the dark embed of Twitter (and others maybe?). But how does that work out in adaptive themes on 2.3. Any guidance would be helpful here. Thanks!
I don't recall whether I read anything about XF 2.3 dark theme but if I did, I must have assumed that there wouldn't be any relevant change. I can confirm that on my local XF 2.3 install the Twitter embed is stuck on light mode.

The way the add-on works is it checks for XenForo's styleType style property and if it's dark then it turns on dark mode. Third party embeds will never be able to handle the dynamic change in theme (the button at the bottom left in XF's default style) but they should work after a page load/navigation. I'll check what changed in XF 2.3 and get it fixed.
Following up about dark theme, I confirmed that the way the light/dark property determined has changed in XF 2.3 because of style variations. The default media sites that support dark themes/mode have not been updated yet so I don't know what the official/recommended way is but in the meantime I'll probably use something like the following:
(($xf.visitor.style_variation && $xf.style.isVariationsEnabled()) ? property_variation('styleType', $xf.visitor.style_variation) : property('styleType'))

Testing dark mode embeds led me to another issue that I can't quite explain at the moment; It seems that "dark" iframes get a white background because of some CSS stuff but I don't know how this behaviour gets triggered, as XenForo 2.3 does not seem to set a color scheme. The end result is some white stuff visible in 𝕏eets corners and other rounded corner'ed embeds. I'll have to look into it.
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Hey Joshy I upgraded the add-on without realizing my php version could not support it yet. Is there a way to get a version that supports 7.4x php until I can get my server admin to upgrade the php? Which version do I roll back to? Thanks
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