s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Hi, please tell me if the latest update of this add-on is compatible with XF v2.2.6 Patch 2 or not?
I usually keep my installation up to date so I'm using 2.2.13 at the moment but I don't see why it wouldn't work on 2.2.6. Is there something special about XenForo 2.2.6?
For the Amazon media links, I will probably use the XF search/replace addon and replace the ASINs with a proper URL. As I only link to the US Amazon, I don't need to worry about TLDs.

I think, though, that the Amazon URLs don't unfurl. So, members will only have a link to use, to reach the product.
I'd caution against rash decisions. The regular expressions (plural, because there are at least 3 different types of replacements) needed to convert the [MEDIA] BBCodes to [URL] are not particularly complicated but if you make any mistakes, it'll be that much harder to fix. It's really a "measure twice, cut once" situation.

Is there any benefit to changing the BBCodes right now? I don't think there is any urgency, but I could have overlooked something I guess. Ultimately, my goal is to provide a safe, simple way to convert the Amazon media site before I completely remove it from the add-on.
The current links carry the same associate tag as the previous widgets. If you configure the add-on's options, the tag should be there.
I essentially just want to turn off the media tag for Amazon, without leaving hundreds of broken links on the site. Since we use only US Amazon, it shouldn't be a big deal to turn the tag into a link, as it can easily be reconstructed using the ASIN. I would only need to extract the ASIN, and can handle the rest of the replacement easily enough. It may be a few weeks before I can work with it, though--it's not a big priority right now as we have your temporary links in place, which work fine for the interim.

Is there a way to not have future Amazon links automatically changed into media tags, but without disabling the existing media tags?
Yes, just upgrade the add-on. I have updated the upgrade message to mention that new links will not be converted. Old embeds are displayed as links, new links are ignored and they remain links.
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I usually keep my installation up to date so I'm using 2.2.13 at the moment but I don't see why it wouldn't work on 2.2.6. Is there something special about XenForo 2.2.6?
I'm not sure about it, that's the reasons why I asked.
I have that version on my website because, That's the final license I bought from themehouse, so I have to renew my license, and check lots of add-on compatibilities before I run upgrade. I don't wanna break the live website, and my localhost has the upgraded version. I have no way to test it before upgrade. but fb.watch links are not working in my site. so I thought it would be a good idea to ask this from the developer before I upgrade your add-on.
Not at the moment. Based on results returned by Reddit's search engine, I see that people are using at least half a dozen different types of URLs. Half of those (seem to) point to images directly that could be used with a [IMG] tag, the rest would need some processing to determine how to handle them. I see three different types of identifiers (numerical, short alphanumerical, and long alphanumerical) and I'd need to figure out what's going on. Tenor has an oEmbed endpoint but it does not support every type of URLs being shared by users.

Quick overview of what I'm seeing off Reddit:
2024-01-19   1 https://c.tenor.com/ljQ5nOt8WBgAAAAd/quim-barreiros-quim-lambendo-gelado.gif
2024-01-19   1 https://tenor.com/view/honk-bird-trash-garbage-gag-gif-25811973
2024-01-18   9 https://media.tenor.com/Da9l84pPjIwAAAAC/dummy-thicc-booty.gif
2024-01-18 463 https://media1.tenor.com/m/XfrqyR_-jzIAAAAC/anime-goku.gif
2024-01-17  13 https://tenor.com/bbAt9.gif

So no plans for Tenor in the foreseeable future unless someone wants to sponsor its development, which may not be worth the cost. I'm surprised I couldn't find an add-on for Tenor because I could have sworn there was already one. Support for Tenor may be better handled in a separate add-on so it works similarly to XenForo's GiPHY integration rather than through a media site. I suggest you ask around in the add-on forums, see if anyone has an add-on for it or could be enticed to create one. If that fails and you want to sponsor Tenor as a media site, you can send me a direct message to request a quote.
I'm not sure about it, that's the reasons why I asked.
I have that version on my website because, That's the final license I bought from themehouse, so I have to renew my license, and check lots of add-on compatibilities before I run upgrade. I don't wanna break the live website, and my localhost has the upgraded version. I have no way to test it before upgrade. but fb.watch links are not working in my site. so I thought it would be a good idea to ask this from the developer before I upgrade your add-on.
I've failed to upgrade the add-on to the latest version.

because of the error saying minimal requrement php version 8.0.0.+

I have php version 7.4 on my web server. please tell me highest version number I can get
The Amazon change may not be aesthetically pleasing within a forum post,, but the revenue effect has been positive. My monthly sales revenues for January already exceed the individual monthly revenues for Oct/Nov/Dec 2023.

Because posts no longer display the product image, members must now click thru to Amazon....and the affiliate cookie generated stays active thru its timeout period. Additionally, I suspect purchases are more likely if the user is ON Amazon, versus just browsing the forum content.

Please, keep the code as is :)
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