s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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When you post a BBCode that you want to remain as text, you can enclose it in a [code] or [icode] BBCode so it doesn't get replaced.

Based on what I'm seeing here, there is something in your browser configuration that prevents Twitter's iframe from being loaded. I notice that there should be a small Twitter logo in the top right corner of the page that says "Loading tweet" and if that image is missing it's possible that the same thing that blocks iframes also blocks images, and subresources in general. Try a new Firefox profile or disable all of your Firefox extensions and you may find what it is. Otherwise, look into your browser console for error messages.

For reference, if you're using a recent version of XenForo and this add-on, that tweet should be embedded using this page: https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/twitter.min.html#1558479530322427904 - Does that page works on its own?
I had the same issue, disabling the lastpass extension in chrome fixed it for me.

Edit: after deleting the lastpass extension and then re-installing the Twitter embeds are still working.
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I've just checked LastPass and it does indeed interfere with the page by injecting some invisible element in it. I've published an update that works with LastPass's invisible thing.

DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials doesn't seem to interfere with loading currently.
Based on what I'm seeing here, there is something in your browser configuration that prevents Twitter's iframe from being loaded. I notice that there should be a small Twitter logo in the top right corner of the page that says "Loading tweet" and if that image is missing it's possible that the same thing that blocks iframes also blocks images, and subresources in general. Try a new Firefox profile or disable all of your Firefox extensions and you may find what it is. Otherwise, look into your browser console for error messages.

The logo is there. Just not shown in the screen capture.

For reference, if you're using a recent version of XenForo and this add-on, that tweet should be embedded using this page: https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/twitter.min.html#1558479530322427904 - Does that page works on its own?

That displays "Content from Twitter" on my site.

Strangely, all of a sudden without me making any changes to browser configuration or anything else, the tweets are now displaying as embedded the way they should.

I think this is The Twilight Zone or Stranger Things at work here. :D
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I assume that you're using LastPass or a similar extension that modifies web pages. The latest version of the iframe on GitHub is more resilient to such modifications.
What is Wavekit? When I visit the link I just get a logo. When I Google it I get links to hair products ... ?!
The media site sponsor is $50 USD or more I think, and all newly added media sites are enabled by default after install/update.
Most of the XF admins that install this addon leave the default media sites enabled without thinking some are just a startup like the one added above.

Good thing it's a nofollow link on xf.forum/help/bb-codes/.
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