s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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it's sort of annoying that youtube does not always have webp versions of thumbnail images. i have noticed that jpg versions just do not load fast enough. first all the containers load and then it takes a few seconds for jpg preview images to load. webp loads much faster for obvious reason. but not all youtube videos have webp preview images... (i do understand that ios/safari users would not see that image. hopefully not a big problem when next ios/macos builds are out and widely installed)
It may not be due solely to the files' size. When click-to-load is enabled, the thumbnail image is loaded after the rest of the page. Normally, thumbnails are used as a background image and they load at the same time as everything else, even if they are not visible, that's why they appear with everything else. But when click-to-load in on, the lazy loader waits for the page to finish loading before it starts displaying thumbnails. If you have a lot of scripts or images on the page, the thumbnail may be delayed by up to 3 seconds.
Come to think of it, as per the yet-unreleased version 2.6.3 of the add-on you should be able to find which YouTube videos have reached the maximum amount of retries (which is set to 10) with something like that:
SELECT * FROM xf_oembed WHERE media_site_id = 'youtube' AND title IS NULL AND fail_count >= 10
just used this to clean quite a few dead videos on my board. also deleted the rows so that next time i can start with a fresh batch (i assume this is ok lol). not the most optimum way to find out dead youtube videos but it is better than nothing! 😁 plus of course, it does not catch region restricted videos which are also quite a lot. thanks for this update!
JoshyPHP updated s9e Media Sites with a new update entry:

Added Kaltura, updated lazy loader

The lazy loader has been updated to load visible elements more aggressively. In previous versions, the lazy loader would wait up to 3 seconds for the rest of the page to completely load before displaying embedded content. Starting with this update, visible (on-screen) elements are loaded immediately and will compete for resources with the rest of the page. This will prevent slow resources such as ads and large images from delaying embedded content.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Glad it works better for you. In a perfect world where everything is efficient and optimized, the previous strategy (waiting for the rest of the page to load) could have been better but it turns out that a lot of ad scripts are very inefficient and they can hold the page for a long time. So the current strategy is to load everything on screen almost immediately as the rest of the page loads, then when the page is completely loaded, it loads a bit more above and below the fold to anticipate the user's scrolling. It should provide a better user experience on average.
@JoshyPHP would it be possible to add the Threadreader site for twitter threads? It often comes in handy for these long drawn out twitter discussions.


threadreaderapp embed code seems pretty neat now. though it's still basically iframe with scrolling page. i think @JoshyPHP had considered this a while ago when i requested but the code was not very usable at the time.
Is it possible to add OK.RU videos to the list? Thanks!
I don't know about that one. If you want to sponsor it, you can send me a message and I'll look into it, otherwise I'm going to decline for now and reconsider later. OK.RU has good Alexa numbers but I don't see a lot of organic traffic for it and it seems that spammers like to use it.

@JoshyPHP would it be possible to add the Threadreader site for twitter threads? It often comes in handy for these long drawn out twitter discussions.
I don't know about that one either. In theory I can see how it would be useful in some cases but their embed doesn't seem very practical. The first 300 px at the top contain nothing relevant, then the first tweet is so big that barely fits on the screen. I looked for embed options but it doesn't look like that can be changed.

@JoshyPHP - Any chance you'd consider adding support for Castos.com?
I looked into their numbers and they don't seem particularly popular so unless you want to sponsor their addition I'm going to have to decline and reconsider if they end up trending.
I don't know about that one either. In theory I can see how it would be useful in some cases but their embed doesn't seem very practical. The first 300 px at the top contain nothing relevant, then the first tweet is so big that barely fits on the screen. I looked for embed options but it doesn't look like that can be changed.
i was hoping it would attempt to capture the first tweet in the embed and then link to the full page, or give a way to click on the embed and then expand to read the remainder. but, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work. i appreciate you looking into it.
right. it could logically be processed using the twitter's code as the number at the end of the url is same as the first tweet of the thread. with additional link to read the thread or something.
I'm getting this with Twitch embeds:



Twitch embed error message: [NoParent] parent query string value was not specified Docs: [URL]https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/video-and-clips/[/URL]

Also just updated and rebuild the plugin.
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