s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Yeah, not much we can do about Medium really. There are 3 things that make this screenshot suck:
  • There are two logos in the top left. Looking at the markup, one of them has a hide CSS class but there's no corresponding CSS declaration to actually hide it.
  • Black logo and white text over a dark background with white text. That one's partly on the author for choosing a bad "hero" image.
  • There's a white band at the bottom. That's because the iframe's size is fixed whereas the content is never exactly the same height. There are ways to make the iframe's size dynamic so it's an exact fit and I might just do that. It won't help with readability though.
I found this happening on mobile in thread_view, particularly in this thread (not sure if there's more) but I also looked on desktop with the console. Here's a screenshot and a link to the thread.


Make sure to refresh so the spacing occurs. Thanks!

It seems to only be happening on threads with steam links? When I hide the steam embeds, the problem goes away after a tiny bit.
I've looked at this layout and I can reproduce it through Chromium's mobile simulator but I don't know what would cause the page to become wider. I don't think the Steam embed can. Imgur would be a more likely candidate but I suspect it requires a specific interaction with the style's CSS.

Try switching to XenForo's default style to see if it behaves the same way. If it doesn't, report the issue to the style's authors and tag me so I can follow the discussion.
I've looked at this layout and I can reproduce it through Chromium's mobile simulator but I don't know what would cause the page to become wider. I don't think the Steam embed can. Imgur would be a more likely candidate but I suspect it requires a specific interaction with the style's CSS.

Try switching to XenForo's default style to see if it behaves the same way. If it doesn't, report the issue to the style's authors and tag me so I can follow the discussion.
It behaves the same way on XenForo’s default style too. Just checked.
I can't reproduce it on a clean XenForo install. I tried a Steam embed and one of the Imgur video with the same result.

If you want to pinpoint the cause of the layout change, you can create a new thread and incrementally add various embeds and images until the scrollbar appears.
@JoyFreak If you edit your extra.less template to add this, it may fix the layout until a better workaround is available:
[data-s9e-mediaembed="imgur"] {
    max-width: 100% !important;
Occasionally someone will post a reddit embed and it will come with this reaaaally broken code snippet below the headline:

Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 11.09.38 AM.webp

Usually only happens with posts involving twitter media:
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No, I've looked them up before and based on their Alexa ranking they don't seem to be particularly popular or growing so I don't have any plans to add support for the sites in the foreseeable future unless someone wants to sponsor its development. If that's your case, you can start a conversation and I'll look into it.
so this is regarding the youtube thingy. just a thought. if it would not take much of your time...

would it be possible for s9e to log a hit in the oembed log whenever it fetches the youtube title from the database? basically, the oembed log has become a good place for me to locate dead youtube videos on my board. populated hits column would make it easier to locate dead videos in popular threads as i can use the sort function and go through the logs whenever i have some time to kill. cheers!
I should mention that s9e is only the name of the namespace I use for the add-on. Technically the add-on is named s9e/MediaSites although I rarely use it in posts.

I intentionally do not keep the oEmbed log up to date, purely for performance reasons. XenForo's oEmbed service updates entries separately so a page with a dozen videos would cause a dozen database updates. Even if I were to batch those updates to have a single write per page, I believe the traffic from bots alone would be enough to have a measurable impact on the table's performance.

I do see the value in keeping track of dead videos (or popular videos for that matter) so if I were to change the way I use oEmbed that's something I would take into consideration.
Come to think of it, as per the yet-unreleased version 2.6.3 of the add-on you should be able to find which YouTube videos have reached the maximum amount of retries (which is set to 10) with something like that:
SELECT * FROM xf_oembed WHERE media_site_id = 'youtube' AND title IS NULL AND fail_count >= 10
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