s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Nuts to that. I dont really mind but some of my members asked if they can be sized down as they're huge on big screens.
It seems Twitter embeds are currently broken. Possibly since I upgraded from XF2.1.3 to 2.1.4. This affects old as well as new Twitter embeds.

For an example, see here.

The BBCode used is:
@karll They work fine here. They might be blocked in your browser by an adblocker or tracking protection, maybe something that blocks third-party JavaScript.
I am seeing this happen for the last 2-3 days. It does not always show on posting but works fine on refreshing. All ad/script blockers disabled.

@karll They work fine here. They might be blocked in your browser by an adblocker or tracking protection, maybe something that blocks third-party JavaScript.
Ah, I should have tested more. It works in Chrome, but not in Firefox (which is my "default" browser). I can't make it work even with the adblocker disabled and content blocking set to "standard" or with blocking disabled on content trackers. I see a lot of interesting warnings and errors in the Firefox web console on my example page, though. So I guess the problem was caused by my recent upgrade of Firefox. Hmmm ....

Edit: I'm using Firefox 69.0.

Edit 2: Found the culprit - it was a Firefox plugin called 'DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials'. Once disabled, the tweets are displayed correctly.
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I'm not sure I understand your previous post. What do you mean by "support for some of the front-end sites that play youtube videos"?

You could add Invidious as its own media site and use their embedded player, or even YouTube's own player since they share the same IDs.
I'm not sure I understand your previous post. What do you mean by "support for some of the front-end sites that play youtube videos"?

You could add Invidious as its own media site and use their embedded player, or even YouTube's own player since they share the same IDs.
well thats the technical question that i am not sure of. invidious has its own links but in essence its just repackaging youtube's own videos. so i dont know if its as simple as ading invidious as its own site or mmore complicated because of the youtube component. if its as simple as adding invidious, could we please add it in? its quite popular with the non-googlers.
I don't think I'll add this site now but if it gains enough traction I'll consider it in a future version.

If you want to embed videos from Invidious and use their player, you should be able to create a custom media site with these parameters:
 Media site ID: invidious
    Site title: Invidious
    Match URLs: #invidio\.us/(?:embed/|watch\?v=)(?'id'[-\w]+)#
Embed template: <span data-s9e-mediaembed="invidious"><span><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="//invidio.us/embed/{$id}"></iframe></span></span>
              ☑ Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions

I haven't been able to test it because I'm having some weird issues with my control panel but I expect it to work.
hard to believe that big sites are not completely switched to protocol neutral embed codes. though i guess if you are on https, it's better to use that.
Hello @JoshyPHP,

I am receiving the following error in ACP ( Tools => File health check =>File health check results)

Could you please advise how this could be resolved?



The files listed below have contents different from those originally downloaded.

If you have edited these files yourself, you may ignore this message, otherwise you should investigate further as this may be evidence of corrupted or altered files.
src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/_data/template_modifications.xml Unexpected contents
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