s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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@OperaManiac I tried it but that doesn't look like something I'd like to support, sorry. Also, their embedded iframe appears to be misconfigured; It doesn't scroll and the layout for the "embedded" version is the same as the main site.
Yup noticed. Filed a bug report. Not an issue though. The service might not last for long as they keep on having issues with Twitter api locking them out regularly. Thanks for looking into it.
<div id="tttt_967849869477138434" data-option="1"><strong><a href="https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/967849869477138434.html">Unrolled thread from @ggreenwald</a></strong></div><script async src="https://threadreaderapp.com/embed/967849869477138434.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Thread Reader developer fixed the embed code. But I am not sure this is optimal for forum embedding lol.
Alright. Amazon Music just launched in India. Embedding is supported. Music links are currently being processed by regular Amazon embed mechanism which basically creates a widget pointing to Amazon homepage.


Amazon Music for other markets seems to be not supported as well. So maybe this can be considered?

Example Link:



<iframe id='AmazonMusicEmbedB075GGRTVB' src='https://music.amazon.in/embed/B075GGRTVB/?id=MwU6APJowi&marketplaceId=A3K6Y4MI8GDYMT&musicTerritory=IN' width='100%' height='290px' style='border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);max-width:500px'></iframe>
Does anything special need to be done when migrating from a XF 1.5 site to 2.0 in order not to lose the existing media links? We have tons of posts with media links that follow the s9 syntax. If the XF 2.0 installation changes something in those links, we are kind of screwed.
XF2 upgrade process does not touch the raw bbcode generated by S9E on XF1.x so it should be just fine. I believe Joshy recommends uninstalling the plugin before upgrading. Of course take a backup and do a test upgrade to check everything works well after migration.
Is it possible to stop the add-on from automatically converting links to media tags for specific areas, such as in a Chat add-on? It's somewhat distracting when someone links to a YouTube video and the video engulfs the entire chat. Not sure if I should ask this here or in the chat add-on discussion, but figured I'd ask if there was a way to stop it converting either way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Amazon Music for other markets seems to be not supported as well. So maybe this can be considered?

Not at the moment. If the service really takes off I'll reconsider.

Does anything special need to be done when migrating from a XF 1.5 site to 2.0 in order not to lose the existing media links?

None that I'm aware of.

Is it possible to stop the add-on from automatically converting links to media tags for specific areas, such as in a Chat add-on?

This add-on doesn't actively do anything, it only defines how a URL can be converted to a media BBCode. You'd need to see with the chat add-on's developer(s) whether it's possible to disable auto-embedding in chat.

There's an awesome startup useloom.com which is popular for its ease of screen recording and sharing feature.. please add this to your list

I'm limiting new additions to the most actively shared and trending sites so I'm going to wait a little before supporting this one. In the meantime, I recommend creating a custom media site for yourself. You can also message me if you want to sponsor the creation of a custom add-on for it.
I don't know how that's supposed to work. Uninstall the old add-on and install this one, that should work.
Would you be able to add support for Mixer? It's a new streaming site by Microsoft (2 years old now).
Haven’t seen an answer to this. Mixer is an up-and-coming streaming site that’s very quickly becoming a Twitch alternative. Microsoft owns it and has all the funding it needs to stay alive for years to come.

Could you please consider adding support to embed video/chat or something into a post? That way people can choose to watch on my site or the actual channel page.
Yeah, I must have missed it, sorry. I have no plans for Beam/Mixer. The service doesn't offer VODs so it's only good for live streams, which isn't something that gets shared a lot. If you really want to embed live streams in a page, you should look into creating a custom media site or a custom BBCode.
Yeah, I must have missed it, sorry. I have no plans for Beam/Mixer. The service doesn't offer VODs so it's only good for live streams, which isn't something that gets shared a lot. If you really want to embed live streams in a page, you should look into creating a custom media site or a custom BBCode.
It does have VODs.

The streamer just has to enable it on their account.

You can watch VODs on the Mixer.com site but they don't provide a direct way to embed VODs on a third-party website. As far as embedding VODs is concerned, the situation now is the same as it was in 2017 when the site was called Beam.
Hello, I originally posted the following sites on the 1.x version of the plugin.

Now I will do in here but providing more details about the sites.

Can you implement the following sites?

Niconico, top video site in Japan.


Video URL:

Embed code:
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://embed.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32863142/script?w=640&h=360"></script><noscript><a href="http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32863142">幕末志士達のPUBG実況プレイ #1</a></noscript>

Bilibili, top video site in China.

Video URL: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av20513184/

Embed code:
<embed height="415" width="544" quality="high" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="//static.hdslb.com/miniloader.swf" flashvars="aid=20513184&p=1"></embed>

Pixiv, top artwork site in Japan.

Art URL: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67623815

Embed code:
<script src="https://source.pixiv.net/source/embed.js" data-id="67623815_aa55eb8298b3160574e3738b9c910176" data-size="large" data-border="on" charset="utf-8"></script><noscript><p><a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67623815" target="_blank">☆</a> by <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=10606052" target="_blank">白夜ReKi</a> on <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/" target="_blank">pixiv</a></p></noscript>

Thank you!
Can you implement the following sites?

I understand that NicoNico has a following in some communities but every addition adds to the ongoing maintenance costs (the time I spend keeping all sites up to date and in working order) that's why I have to focus on sites with a more mainstream appeal.
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