s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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i have been looking to take out that damn quote button out of the menu for years. no one understands why the strikethrough button is so much more important than quote or media button that they get prime placement in the primary bar.
Hi @JoshyPHP I'm trying to install the addon but it says seurity error on every attempt.

I'm truning back refresh the page but still the same.
What says "security error"? Is it a browser error or a message from XenForo? What's the exact error message and what steps does one have to take to reproduce this issue? I've never seen something like that.
Interesting. My browser has some pretty stringent settings and does not send Referer headers, I'm surprised I didn't run into the same error.
Did you follow the same procedure as any other add-on? What exact steps did you take?

It's not listed in "Installable add-ons" s9e Media Sites 1.0.1

I've been working on my test site a few weeks installing uninstalling testing addons but yours I loaded it refreshed the page several times it's not showing up in the install area
You probably didn't upload it to the right place. Here's what I do: in command line, I go to the directory that contains XenForo's upload directory then I unzip the archive with unzip /path/to/s9e-MediaSites-1.0.1.zip

Of course, you have to adjust /path/to/s9e-MediaSites-1.0.1.zip to match the location of the archive.
Receiving the following error when trying to install: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'list' (T_LIST) in /home4/***/public_html/src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/Parser.php on line 402
It's not listed in "Installable add-ons" s9e Media Sites 1.0.1

I've been working on my test site a few weeks installing uninstalling testing addons but yours I loaded it refreshed the page several times it's not showing up in the install area

for me is the same, i've downloaded the package s9e-MediaSites-1.0.2.zip upload it but no install aviable. Is it normal that in the package is no setup.php ? everywhere is one but not in s9e-MediaSites-1.0.2.zip
When is Rumble.com going to be added? Its one of the top websites in the USA according to Alexa and Quantacast.

I have no immediate plans for it and to be honest that's the first time I hear about this site. Usually I wait for a site to become popular and see sustained activity in social networks/forums. I suspect Rumble.com benefits from artificial traffic but I'd need to look into it. For now I'll keep an eye on it. Alternatively I sometimes offer sponsored additions if someone wants to pay for its development. You can send me a pm if that's something you'd like to do.

Receiving the following error when trying to install: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'list' (T_LIST) in /home4/***/public_html/src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/Parser.php on line 402

It looks like you're using an unsupported version of PHP. Try upgrading PHP to at least PHP 5.5, and preferably a version that's still supported by its developers. http://php.net/supported-versions.php

for me is the same, i've downloaded the package s9e-MediaSites-1.0.2.zip upload it but no install aviable. Is it normal that in the package is no setup.php ? everywhere is one but not in s9e-MediaSites-1.0.2.zip

There's no Setup.php in the add-on; It doesn't need one. I've just downloaded the file from XenForo.com and reinstalled it on my test forum without any issue. Make sure you upload the upload directory in the correct place and the files are readable by your server.
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